Cucumber Water – Properties You Did Not Know

Cucumber water is not only very tasty, but also contains many vitamins and minerals that cleanse the body. Thanks to cucumber water, drinking two liters of water a day will no longer be a chore.
Cucumber water - properties you did not know

Cucumber water is not only delicious and refreshing, but also contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. As soon as you feel thirsty, drink it as it is a great way to stay hydrated. What’s more, cucumber water will work at any time of the day. Read this article to find out about all its properties.

Cucumber water deeply hydrates the body

The need to drink two liters of water a day is not a myth. This is the minimum needed by the body to function properly. Do you think any drink will fulfill this function? Nothing could be more wrong!

Cucumber water not only hydrates the body, but also:

  • regulates body temperature,
  • improves the cardiovascular system,
  • eliminates toxins.

Cucumber water is undoubtedly an extra dose of vitamins and minerals. It does not contain sugar and has no side effects.

Detox and antioxidants

cucumber water as a detox of the body

How often do you detox? Do you think once every 3 months is enough? With the help of cucumber water, you can cleanse the body every day.

Cucumber water is a source of antioxidants that eliminate toxins and pollutants.  It is also worth thinking about changing your eating habits. It is important to avoid high amounts of sugar and meat.

Provides additional vitamins and minerals

It is known that water is the basic element of human existence. However, water alone is not the best source of vitamins and minerals.

It lowers blood pressure

Controlling your blood pressure is very important to help prevent heart disease, kidney problems, and problems with your eyesight. Cucumbers are a fantastic source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure.

Both cucumbers and water are sodium-free, so you can consume them without limit.

Nourishes your skin

cucumber water nourishes the skin

Dry skin is a problem for many people. Before you go to the drugstore for your moisturizer, start drinking the cucumber water. A well-hydrated body can be recognized primarily by its healthy and radiant skin.

Cucumbers are a source of natural silicone which makes the skin supple. In addition, they are also a very effective remedy for blackheads and blackheads.

Combats the appetite

A glass of cucumber water every time you feel hungry is a great way to eat smaller meals. Sometimes we think we are hungry, but we are actually thirsty.

For this reason, one must learn to distinguish between the two feelings. If you still feel hungry after drinking cucumber water, eat some fruit or make a natural smoothie.

Healthy and strong muscles

healthy and strong muscles

The same natural silicone that takes care of the appearance of the skin also contributes to the health of the muscles. For this reason, drink cucumber water after each physical activity. The effects will be amazing.

Cucumber water recipes

Now you know all the beneficial properties of cucumber water. We guess that you want to prepare it to feel its positive effect on your body. Below you will find two simple recipes.

Cucumber water with lemon and mint

Lemon goes well with a cucumber, and mint will give the drink a unique flavor. The recipe below contains a large amount of  vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.


  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 lemon (only squeezed juice)
  • 3 mint leaves
  • 1 ice cube


  • Use a blender to combine all ingredients.
  • Remember to drink it right away.

Drink preferably after exercise and on hot days.

Cucumber water with herbs

cucumber water - recipe

The listed herbs not only improve the taste, but also provide many nutrients. They are primarily an ideal source of iron, calcium and potassium. Besides, thyme contains a lot of vitamin C.

If we add mineral-rich mint and lemon to the cucumber water, we get an elixir of health.


  • 1 liter of water
  • ½ a cucumber, sliced
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 1 lemon, sliced


  • First, combine all ingredients in a glass jug.
  • Then mix them and set aside for 20 minutes.
  • Drink several times a day.

As you can see, the preparation of cucumber water is extremely simple. Just take a few minutes and you can enjoy its wonderful properties.

You can pour the drink into a small bottle so that you always have cucumber water with you.

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