Clothes – 12 Ways To Make It Last For A Long Time

Many of us do not pay enough attention to segregating clothes before washing. If you want your clothes to last a long time and always look like new, follow our advice. Thanks to them, you will always look clean and impeccable.
Clothes - 12 ways to make it last for a long time

It is worth realizing that our clothes do not have to look old and worn out often over time. Even if they are often exposed to sun rays, repeatedly washed or very stained, it does not mean that they will wear out quickly and we will have to replace them with new ones.

Treat your clothes as your second skin and they will really last for years to come. Caring for fabrics is not difficult at all – just follow a few simple home recommendations every day.

How to make clothes always look like new?

We would like to introduce you to 12 reliable home remedies for keeping your favorite garments in perfect condition for a very long time. They are very simple and require little time or absolutely no effort.

1. Be careful with stains!

Stains on clothes are completely normal and usually cannot be avoided. If you accidentally get stained or work with substances that can stain fabrics on a daily basis, try to clean the stain immediately.

The woman, frightened by the stains, washes the clothes

The longer we leave the dirt on the clothes, the more it will penetrate the fibers and the stain will be more difficult to remove with each passing day. Whenever you get dirty, immediately reach for a damp cloth with washing liquid and get rid of the dirt right away!

2. Sort clothes before washing

Due to lack of time, many of us throw all dirty clothes and other fabrics into the washing machine at once. Often, towels, shirts, delicate blouses, jeans end up in the same drum … What’s more, we often even add lace underwear to them.

Doing so is a huge mistake that leads to damage to the fibers of the fabrics, their discoloration and loss of elasticity. Remember that each piece of your wardrobe requires a different treatment.

Different fabrics require different water temperatures, fewer or more spins, shorter or longer washing and drying times …

So try to sort your clothes before throwing them into the washing machine. Separate cotton clothes from wool, silk, towels or underwear. Also, sort the laundry depending on the color of the fabrics.

3. Select the washing program correctly

Today, most washing machines have different washing programs to be used depending on the type of fabric. Wash delicate, heavily soiled clothes, children’s clothes, towels, bedding separately …

Setting the washing machine program

Before starting the washing, make sure that the program selected by you is correct. Also check the water temperature and estimate the amount of powder, stain remover and fabric softener needed.

4. Regularly remove yellowed stains from under the armpits

We all sweat, and none of us can avoid yellowed underarm stains on our blouses and shirts. This type of dirt makes the clothes look old and worn.

It is also worth noting that yellowed spots under the arms contribute to the formation of an unpleasant odor and make us sweat more intensively.

How to get rid of yellowed spots?

5. Ironed clothes look neater

Make sure your clothes are always ironed as they look neater and more elegant. However, remember to use the right temperature and ironing program to protect the fabrics from damage. Each of them has a different tolerance to high temperature.

Colorful clothes hang on hangers

If your blouse or skirt is creased and you don’t have an iron at the moment, you can use a hair straightener to smooth the fabric. However, be careful not to burn a hole in your clothes. Always follow the recommendations specified on the garment manufacturer’s label to avoid unnecessary problems.

6. Take care of your shoes, especially boots

In winter, each of us wears high shoes or boots. Fill them at night with a crumpled newspaper – thanks to this, they will not lose their shape and will not bend, and thus – you will avoid unsightly cracks on their surface.

7. Regularly clean suede shoes

Suede shoes are very foot-friendly – they are soft and comfortable. It is not difficult to understand why many of us choose the material in which our feet feel best.

Unfortunately, suede shoes have one huge drawback: they get dirty easily, which makes them look old and run down. However, we can effectively prevent this. Try to clean suede regularly, do not leave dirty shoes for several weeks, waiting for it to be easier to deal with dirt afterwards.

Shoe care

A simple, homemade way is to use a simple pencil eraser. Dirt accumulated during the day disappears from suede in seconds!

8. Remove the lint from your clothes!

How do I remove lint from clothes?

  • Use a disposable razor to remove lint and pilling from clothes. Gently run the blade from the top to the bottom of the fabric and remove any puffed fibers.
  • Another equally effective way to get the lint off your clothes is to use a wide tape. Admittedly, rolls with adhesive tape are very practical and easily accessible. If you do not have a special roller at hand, you can use regular wide scotch tape.

9. Save dyed clothes when washing

Who among us has not happened that one of the garments lost color during washing? By chance or ignorance – it doesn’t matter. Fortunately, there are home remedies for dyed clothes. Meet the most effective of them!

Needed ingredients

  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (20 ml)

Tip: Multiply the above ingredients for the amount of garments to “bleach”.

How to restore clothes to their original color?

  • Immediately after finding out that any of your clothes have discolored during washing, soak them for four hours in a bowl of water and lemon juice.
  • Then, after four hours, wash the fabric by hand in a mild detergent and lukewarm water. The unwanted permanent color will disappear from your clothes.

10. A way for rough towels

Do you like to wrap yourself in a soft and fluffy towel after your bath? Unfortunately, they often become rough and hard after washing. To avoid this problem, you should soak the towels overnight and then hand wash them.

White towels

11. Take care of the pleasant smell of your clothes

For each wash, add a special fabric softener that will make your clothes soft and pleasantly fragrant. Choose the fragrance that suits you best and use it with each rinse.

Another great way to keep a nice fragrance is to prepare your own wardrobe air freshener. Thanks to it, your clothes will always exude your favorite scent.

12. Use chlorine-free agents for bleaching clothes

It is worth noting that chlorine-based bleaches are as effective as harmful to the fibers of our clothes. However, you can successfully replace them with natural agents that are just as effective in refreshing the whiteness of fabrics.

Baking soda, known to all, is undoubtedly an excellent natural bleach. Hence, it is always worth having it at home. And when combined with vinegar, it works even more effectively!

Needed ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • Water (as needed)

How should I bleach my clothes?

Prepare a solution of water and baking soda. Then soak your white clothes in it and leave it for a few hours for the remedy to work. Finally, wash in the washing machine as usual.

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