Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Treatment

Do you feel constantly tired and lack energy? You can’t concentrate on anything, your brain doesn’t work properly and your muscles ache with every movement? Don’t ignore these symptoms, you may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome ( chronic fatique syndrome – CFS) is a common disease. People suffering from this ailment are constantly tired and even exhausted. Their bodies are unable to function properly and – no matter how many hours they spend resting – they always feel sleepy and exhausted.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can last for a long period, even months, but its effects always adversely affect our health. Find out more about this condition and how to treat it.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Symptoms and Causes

The classic symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are:

  • Tiredness
  • Constant headache
  • Sore throat
  • General muscle pain
  • Sensitivity of certain parts of the body, such as the armpits and neck
  • Lymphadenopathy
  • Arthralgia
  • Swelling or redness of the skin for no reason whatsoever
  • Memory impairment
  • Problems remembering new information
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Extreme fatigue, even right after waking up
  • Apathy
  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Eating disorders
Woman with headache

None of the studies conducted so far have clearly confirmed the factors causing the chronic fatigue syndrome.

However, it has been established that the following factors may contribute to it: weakened immune system, viruses, stress, anxiety, severe nervous experiences, excessive work for a long period of time, all kinds of pressures, unhealthy diet (lack of vitamins, iron and proteins), and also depression.

The first step to combat it should be consultation with a specialist and performing a comprehensive blood count to determine what components the body lacks to function properly.

Foods that can help treat chronic fatigue syndrome

The primary goals of chronic fatigue syndrome treatment are, on the one hand, the relief of symptoms and, on the other hand, the enhancement of the body’s resistance. Discover the products that will help you with this!

  • Ginger: Has antiviral properties that are very useful in treating symptoms of fatigue. It is recommended to drink an infusion prepared from a teaspoon of ginger root in a glass of water twice a day.
Natural and powdered ginger
  • Maca ( Lepidium meyenii ): this plant has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system and helps prevent fatigue. Additionally, it has regenerative properties. Eat a teaspoon of powdered flour for breakfast, for example as an addition to cheese, toast, milk, porridge, etc.
  • Hemp seeds: they are rich in magnesium. We recommend them as an addition to any meal, for example as a sprinkle on salads, or as an ingredient in soups and sauces.
  • Flower pollen: known for its excellent revitalizing properties. Recommended for improving physical fitness and, among other things, increasing fertility. You can mix it with propolis or honey, thanks to which its effect on the immune system will be even stronger. Consume a teaspoon of pollen on an empty stomach each day.
  • Chicken broth: prepared on the basis of chicken thighs, it combines the beneficial effects of two elements: carnosine and anserine. Both substances strengthen the body’s immunity and improve the mood. Hence, this soup has been used for centuries as a remedy for fatigue, both physical and mental. For therapeutic purposes, eat a plate of broth daily for 4 weeks.

The most popular home remedies to combat excessive fatigue

  • Put two tablespoons of astragalus into a glass of boiling water, then cover and set aside to cool. Drink the infusion twice a day to bring the expected results. It is especially recommended in cases of a significant weakening of the body’s immune system.
  • Boil a glass of water with two tablespoons of echinacea, then turn off the fire and set aside to cool. To strengthen the body’s immunity, drink one glass of this infusion every day for a maximum of 4 weeks. Remember that it is not recommended for pregnant women as it may lead to abnormalities in the baby’s development.
  • Blend a glass of soy milk with a tablespoon of peanuts. Drink this drink every day – it is a great natural source of energy. However, it should be avoided by overweight or obese people as it is quite caloric.
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  • Put two tablespoons of gingko biloba into a glass of boiling water, then cover and set aside to cool. By drinking a glass of infusion a day, you will increase blood flow to the brain, thus preventing memory and concentration problems.
  • In an hermetically sealed jar, macerate for 10 days: 2 grams of cinnamon bark, an aromatic clove and lemon peel. Then add 400 grams of honey and a liter of water. Cook until the stock is reduced by half. Allow the mixture to cool down completely before consumption.
  • In a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes: a tablespoon of cinnamon powder, a tablespoon of grated ginger root, eight cardamom seeds, a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of maca root. Then remove from heat and set aside to cool. Drink two glasses of broth a day: one in the morning and one at noon. It is one of the best drinks for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Prepare the juice of two carrots and one apple. In another vessel, mix a teaspoon of: bee pollen, honey and rosemary – the mass should be pasty. Then add it to the juice. Finally, add a tablespoon of wheat germ and a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast. Drink the juice every morning.

Advice on how to prevent chronic fatigue syndrome

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  • As soon as you start experiencing various symptoms, do not delay your visit to the doctor.
  • Try to find a daily balance between work and rest.
  • Gradually increase your physical activity: start with a workout once a week and slowly increase up to three times.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks (carbonated drinks, coffee).
  • Fight stress with yoga, meditation, massage etc.
  • Sleep 8 hours a day.

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