Children Are Not Allowed In Public Places

Signs saying “No entry for children” are found more and more often. Many institutions strive to create adult-only places.
No entry for children in public places

A happy child who enjoys exploring the world by interacting with others is loud and noisy. No entry for children is a movement that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years and is something that may concern us.

Hotels now offer ” childless” stays . This means that in the hotel you will not see children running around, a crying child will not wake you up at night, and there will be no children going crazy in the water by the pool. The same rules are starting to be implemented in restaurants and bars.

This movement began in the United States and Great Britain. Let’s take a moment and think about what its consequences might be. Have we really forgotten what it’s like to be a child?

Do we have so little empathy that we are incapable of recalling the wonderful and noisy childhood times? We invite you to reflect.

We hear ‘Children not allowed’ we hear from public places

We’ll start with the story of Canadian singer-songwriter Sarah Blackwood. A year ago she experienced an event that touched her a lot. Sarah hopes her story will make the public reflect.

Sarah, 7 months pregnant, went with her 23-month-old baby on a plane trip from San Francisco to Vancouver. It wasn’t the first time she had traveled this route, but this time something was wrong.

Before the plane could take off, her son began to cry. It wasn’t long before all the passengers looked at her in annoyance. Subsequently, Sarah heard comments like “what a bad mother”, “she can’t control her own baby.”

Then, the flight attendant reprimanded her that she needed to calm her baby down because the passengers were complaining. She was told that if her son continued crying, she would have to get off the plane.

The young mother was speechless. Her son cried for only 10 minutes, then fell asleep and did not wake up until landing. Have people forgotten what it’s like to be a parent? Does no one remember that children cry, scream, laugh and screech?


Kidphobia (fear of children) is thinking that when a child cries it is the result of poor parenting

It was just one of the many problems that parents face. Going shopping, going to the cinema or having lunch in a restaurant are other examples. If a child yells, cries, or otherwise gets visitors’ attention, it is because the parents are doing something wrong.

  • It is a stigmatizing and false view. Each child is unique and behaves differently around people. Some of them are more restless while others are silent. However, this is not always the result of bad parenting.
  • The children are crying. Crying is their way of expressing their feelings and communicating. Crying is natural and any mother will understand it.

Therefore, we should show more empathy and respect when we travel and see parents trying to calm their children.

Kidphobia means that in many places in the USA and Great Britain, children are not allowed to enter. Such a policy means that parents will also not be able to use the services of a given institution. This is definitely something to consider.

On the other hand, it is obvious that if you want to go on vacation and not see and hear your children, the travel company will do their best to provide you with such a vacation. It is your choice and it deserves respect.

The child is playing with the phone

A happy child is a child who runs, screams and needs attention

Children want to touch, experience and feel everything. They want to laugh and learn. If we make them sit quietly, speak softly and not move, then we will raise a frightened child who will not be able to experience anything on his own.

  • Answer the child’s call, do not try to silence him . If a child wants to touch something, it is obvious that we want to keep them from getting hurt, but remember that a child is curious about the world and wants to learn about new objects.
  • Childhood is noisy by nature. You don’t have to go back to kindergarten to remember what it’s like to be a kid.
  • Over time, as the children get older, they will learn discipline on the plane.

Let us respect parents because their task is to raise and care for children.

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