Cervical Spine – Ailments And Their Treatment

The cervical spine is exposed to a lot of damage, and the related discomforts are very troublesome and painful. The cervical spine, and above all its efficient functioning, has a huge impact on our daily activities and contributes to our efficiency, both at work and at home.
Cervical spine - ailments and their treatment

The vertebrae, which we call the cervical spine, or the cervical spine, are there to support our head. The cervical spine  consists of seven such vertebrae,  which are often overloaded.

It is mainly caused by bad body posture, straining this part of the spine and situations in which we feel anxious.

All these overloads make us feel unpleasant ailments. Tingling, cramps, a feeling of coldness, a stiff neck, dizziness are some of the most common symptoms and unfortunately often become chronic.

In today’s article, we will present the treatment options for this troublesome ailment.

Cervical spine and causes of its ailments

Pressure on the blood vessels in the cervical spine causes degenerative changes in the spine, such as a feeling of spine stiffness.

The conflict of information flow between the neck, sight and hearing causes an inefficiency that constantly makes us feel like we are in a subway car. The eyes can perceive the movement, but the ears seem not to hear and the neck remains stationary.

The lack of this synchronization is also a consequence of cervical spine problems. 

All these ailments make us lose faith in the ability to perform the simplest household chores. It even goes to the point that although we feel better, we are afraid to move our neck so as not to experience unexpected intensification of pain, which in turn may provoke new ailments.

Sick spine – how to deal with ailments?

Recommended treatments

  • Heat and cold treatment: We start by holding the ice pack on for three or four minutes. Then we replace it with hot compresses, compresses, hot water bottle. It is worth remembering that due to the negative effect on the skin, it is not recommended to sleep on thermal pillows.
  • If possible,  reduce intense physical activity. Unfortunately, it can put even more strain on the cervical spine.
  • Bathing in water with the addition of rosemary or lavender is very beneficial for our health, has anti-inflammatory properties and is very good at treating cramps, back pain, cervical spine pain, etc.
  • Maintaining a regular rhythm of sleep, which has a positive effect on stabilizing the situation in our body and reduces the feeling of stress.

You should also focus on the root causes of the ailments, i.e. alleviate stiffness in the neck area and work on better synchronization of vision and hearing.

Plants that cure vertigo

  • Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo extract improves blood circulation in the cerebral arteries, which heals ailments such as dizziness, ringing in the ears, headaches,  etc.

We can drink ginkgo biloba in the form of tea or take it in the form of tablets, which we can buy at a pharmacy, herbal medicine store or a health food store.

  • Ginger

Its properties are perfect for getting rid of dizziness and nausea. We can consume it, for example, in the morning as an infusion.

Ginger for the cervical spine
  • Passiflora

It helps us prevent dizziness. It also works great in stressful situations or anxiety, i.e. in the case of most ailments caused by pain in the cervical spine.

Passion flower infusion can be consumed two to three times a day.

  • Grapevine 

It is commonly used to improve circulation in the cerebral arteries. In addition, it also helps in the treatment of dizziness, nausea and headache. You can benefit from these beneficial properties both by drinking grape juice and infusion of dry vine leaves.

Pour boiling water over the leaves, leave it until the infusion is infused and drink it in small sips once a day.

  • Chamomile and mint infusions

It has the same properties as ginger, it relieves nausea and dizziness. We can drink them whenever we need them.

  • Vitamin B6

There are several studies that prove that vitamin B6 has a huge impact on solving vertigo problems. Pyridoxine improves metabolism, i.e. metabolism.

In addition, it improves mood, energy flow, improves muscle performance and body balance. All of this makes vitamin B6 essential for improving our health.

Its numerous properties include: the health of our bones and spine, regulation of pain sensations, regulation of disorders in the body and vomiting reflexes.

Green leafy vegetables for the spine

Vitamin B6 can be found in the form of tablets, in pharmacies, herbal stores and health food stores. It is recommended to take 1.3 mg daily for an adult. For children between 8 and 13 years of age – 0.6 mg daily.

Vitamin B6 can also be found in food products such as: bananas, potatoes, garlic, chestnuts, prunes, pistachios, fish, salt, cauliflower, spinach, etc.

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