Benefits Of Green Tea – Does It Extend Our Lives?

The benefits of green tea are countless. It is a great source of antioxidants and minerals. Did you know that regular drinking can extend your life?
Benefits of green tea - does it extend our lives?

Do you know all the benefits of green tea ? The antioxidants present in green tea help reduce the formation of free radicals. Therefore, they help reduce the risk of developing many diseases, including cancer. With that in mind, in the following article, we’ll talk about how green tea can extend the life span.

Did you know that green tea can extend your life?

What we eat every day has an indirect impact on the length and quality of our lives. Of course, recommendations from doctors and nutritionists include eating as much fresh food as possible and restricting processed foods and avoiding simple sugars, excess salt, and toxins.

However, there are certain substances and natural products you can include in your diet to delay the aging process and prevent disease. This is the case with green tea. Thanks to the content of many plant substances and antioxidants, it can protect our body against free radicals.

However, this tea is not a miracle remedy on its own. To benefit from its health benefits, it must be consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet rich in vegetables, vitamins and fiber.

Advantages of green tea – help in shedding unnecessary kilograms

One of the benefits of green tea is its power to enhance and stimulate weight loss. According to a study published in the scientific journal Nutrición Hospitalaria, its effect is significant when used with a low-calorie diet.

In this sense, drinking green tea frequently helps to speed up your metabolism and increase your caloric consumption throughout the day. Moreover, it has some effect on suppressing the appetite, so it helps to reduce the consumption of unhealthy snacks between meals.

To take advantage of the effects of green tea to reduce body fat, you can include this infusion in your daily diet. You can also look for a product with green tea extract in tablet form. Both options can help you lose weight as long as you combine them with a varied diet and exercise.


Green tea for weight loss

Green tea increases calorie consumption, so if you eat a low-calorie diet, it can help you burn fat.

Antioxidants – a source of health in green tea

Another important feature of green tea is the high content of antioxidants – i.e. antioxidants. According to a study published in the scientific journal Public Health Nutrition, regular consumption of these substances is associated with a lower risk of developing many diseases in the medium to long term.

Antioxidants are substances that are common in many natural products. They are considered a preventive measure in the prevention of numerous diseases such as cancer, ischemic heart disease and even chronic fatigue. Research suggests that taking antioxidants has a beneficial effect on human health.

In the same way, the study recommends combining green tea consumption with other antioxidants to maximize their effects. For example, you can add ginger or cranberry extracts to tea to improve their health-promoting and life-extending properties.

Diet and exercise for disease prevention

Currently, frequent exercise and a healthy, balanced diet are the only two effective methods for extending life . According to nutritionists and specialists, your diet should include a large amount of vegetables, fruits, fiber and fish.

At the same time, it is fundamental to limit the consumption of trans fats, ultra-processed foods and alcoholic beverages.

In the case of people leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is also worth limiting the consumption of simple carbohydrates. This way you will also improve your body composition and your metabolic health.


The benefits of green tea and cranberries

The benefits of cranberries

Cranberries also contain antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. The benefits of green tea are enhanced when cranberries are added. It increases its antioxidant and body-protective effect.

Green tea is an infusion with extremely beneficial properties for health. First of all, it has a positive effect on the reduction of body fat. At the same time, it is a source of antioxidants that help prevent diseases related to cognitive decline.

Frequent consumption of green tea extends the life span. You can also take the extract in supplement form. However, remember that this substance will not work if it is not taken along with a healthy diet.

At the same time, you should exercise regularly. A light walk a few times a week is enough to stimulate circulation. Loss of muscle mass and physical strength may be associated with a higher risk of mortality and a reduction in life expectancy.

If you practice healthy habits, including green tea in your routine can effectively increase longevity and reduce your risk of cognitive decline. It’s worth taking advantage of the fact that green tea is easy to find in any grocery store – it’s at your fingertips!

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