Beetroot Soup – Learn About A Convenient And Easy-to-make Recipe!

Beets are known for their nitrate content. These compounds cause blood vessels to widen, and this is beneficial for us for a number of reasons. Read on to find out how to make tasty beetroot soup!
Beetroot soup - discover a convenient and easy-to-make recipe!

Beet soup, traditionally referred to as borscht, is an excellent recipe for supporting the circulatory system. This method of preparation is able to hide the strong taste of this vegetable, which, frankly, does not suit everyone. Thanks to this recipe, you can create a meal that the whole family will like!

Remember that it’s a good idea to eat vegetables. These foods contain valuable phytonutrients that can help prevent the development of complex diseases. In fact, you also need to ensure an adequate supply of macronutrients, especially proteins.

Beet soup: essential ingredients

Let’s start by discussing the ingredients needed to make beetroot soup. These are:

  • 3 boiled beets.
  • 1 cf.
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic.
  • Bay leaves to taste.
  • Juice squeezed out of half a lemon.
  • Thyme.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Water.
A quarter of a beetroot on a chopping board with a leaf.
Not everyone likes the taste of beetroot, so preparing it in a soup can help you incorporate it into your diet.

Step by step instructions

Some people choose to buy boiled beetroot because it saves them the entire preparation process. But if you managed to find only this vegetable in its natural state, then you will have to cook it at home.

To do this, add some water to the pressure cooker. Wash the beets well and put them in the pan when the water is hot. Cook for 20 minutes. If you don’t have this cooking instrument, you can choose to cook them traditionally. But it may mean that cooking time will be extended to 45 minutes over medium heat.

Before proceeding with the preparation , dry the beets with a kitchen towel. Then cut them into large pieces. Cut the season very finely. Then peel and cut the garlic cloves into pieces.

Fry the leek in a pan with extra virgin olive oil for 5 minutes. When it starts to brown, add the garlic, being careful not to overcook it. When all ingredients are softened, add beetroot, 1 or 2 bay leaves, thyme to taste and water until all ingredients are covered.

It is important that everything comes to the boil so that you can continue cooking for another 5 minutes later. Then season the soup and remove the bay leaves.

Only the easiest step is left! Pour the soup into a container and blend it with a blender until you get a uniform consistency. You can strain it to get rid of all the lumps. Finally, add a little lemon juice and mix. Then the beetroot soup will be ready!

The benefits of eating beet

As we have already mentioned, beets are distinguished by health properties. First of all, it is a vegetable with a high concentration of nitrates.

They are beneficial to our cardiovascular health because they have a vasodilating effect, lowering blood pressure, according to a study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

These nitrates are also useful when it comes to exercise. Vasodilation generates an increase in the amount of nutrients and oxygen that tissues receive, which leads to an increase in athletic performance.

In fact, it’s a good idea to eat beetroot before playing sports, according to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

In addition, beetroot contains phytonutrients with antioxidant properties. These substances – among which anthocyanins stand out – have shown that they are able to neutralize the formation of free radicals. This helps to prevent the development of chronic diseases. In fact, it’s worth eating them often.

Beet slices
Beet anthocyanins are antioxidants; block free radicals associated with premature aging.

Beet soup: a recipe for health

Beetroot soup has beneficial health properties. Both sedentary people and athletes can enjoy the vasodilating effect of this recipe.

However, care should be taken with vegetables with a high concentration of nitrates if you are undergoing drug treatment for cardiovascular diseases. In such cases, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor beforehand.

However, we recommend eating beetroot in general. It is a vegetable with a lot of antioxidants. These ingredients are crucial in preventing the development of chronic diseases. They are also good for slowing down any signs of aging.

The beetroot soup we cover in this article has some vegetable flavors that everyone will love. In this way, we can encourage more people to eat beetroot!

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