Beet Juice Is Good For Everything – Learn 4 Recipes

To take full advantage of all the healthy properties of beetroot, it should be eaten raw, preferably in the form of fresh juice. In combination with other vegetables and fruits, we will additionally strengthen its healing effect.
Beetroot juice is good for everything - find out 4 recipes

Who of us does not know the sweet taste of red beet? Beetroot juice is an amazing remedy. Usually, however, we associate this scarlet-colored vegetable as an addition to dinner, most often in boiled or baked form or in the form of delicious borscht.

The red tuber is also an indispensable addition to various salads and salads, an authentic treasure of our cuisine. Let us not forget, however, that this vegetable has the strongest healing effect in its raw form, especially in the form of juice.

Beetroot juice is a natural remedy for many different ailments and perfectly improves the overall health of our body. Meet today with us four fantastic recipes for delicious and extremely nutrient-rich cocktails. They are easy to prepare and the benefits they provide are endless.

Beet juice in combination with other vegetables and fruits acquires even stronger healing properties. With its help, you will naturally cleanse the kidneys, fight fatigue, improve blood circulation, and get rid of flatulence.

However, before we move on to the recipes, let’s get acquainted with the benefits that this vegetable provides to our body.

Beet juice and its healing properties

  • Thanks to the high content of magnesium, it strengthens the general functions of the body, naturally supports blood circulation and protects healthy and strong bones.
  • Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the beneficial effect of fresh beetroot on the body’s immune system. This feature, combined with strong cleansing properties, makes this vegetable a valuable natural medicine that prevents the development of cancerous diseases, as well as effectively supporting the treatment of such diseases.
  • The large amounts of dietary fiber and other valuable substances contained in beetroot support the proper functioning of the digestive system. They cleanse the digestive tract and stimulate the excretion of unnecessary metabolic products.
  • Beetroot juice acts as a balm on the gastric mucosa. It soothes the inflammation that arises in this organ and helps to get rid of heartburn in a natural way .
  • Beetroot is a great ally of every woman’s health – it relieves menstrual pain and other symptoms related to the woman’s monthly reproductive cycle.
  • This vegetable is a rich source of sodium.
  • The ingredients contained in beetroot have an analgesic effect. They perfectly eliminate headaches and support therapeutic treatment in the case of frequent and severe migraines.
  • Fresh beetroot juice is a real vitamin bomb, containing a huge dose of vitamin C valuable for our body and a lot of minerals.
  • Regular consumption of beetroot helps to maintain the proper functioning of the circulatory system. This vegetable prevents hardening of veins and arteries and protects the health of the heart muscle.
  • Fresh beetroot juice supports the natural cleansing process of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. In addition, it stimulates the work of the lymphatic system.
  • Health experts recommend eating beetroot along with other vegetables and fruits. The juice of this vegetable is strong in action and very concentrated, so when consumed in its pure form, it can cause discomfort and malaise.

* For example, let’s say that two beets contain: 14 mg of calcium, 23 mg of phosphorus, 0.5 mg of iron, 43 mg of sodium, 208 mg of potassium, 20 IU of vitamin A, 6 mg of vitamin C and 0.3 mg of vitamin B.

Healing beet juices

From the juices listed below, choose the one that best suits your culinary tastes, or simply try them all and choose the best one. If their taste seems too intense to you, go ahead and dilute the juice with a little water.

Natural vegetable and fruit juices should always be consumed immediately after preparation. The longer we wait, the more valuable nutrients will “evaporate”.

It is also worth remembering that all beetroot is edible, even the peel and leaves. A large dose of iron is hidden in the green part of this plant. So don’t hesitate and add them to both juices and fresh salads.

Below are the 4 best recipes for vegetable and fruit juices with beetroot in the lead role.

1. Juice that strengthens the functions of the kidneys

After combining beetroot with carrot, we obtain an extremely powerful and effective kidney cleansing juice. Thanks to it, you will perfectly support the removal of toxins and other harmful substances that penetrate our body every day, and you will take care of the health of your kidneys.


  • 1 beetroot
  • 2 carrots
  • Half a glass of water

A method of preparing

  1. Wash the beetroot and carrot tubers thoroughly. If possible, do not peel them – this way they will retain much more vitamins and valuable minerals.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until you get a smooth smoothie. Pour the contents into your favorite glass and drink immediately after preparation.
  3. For the treatment of cleansing the kidneys, it is recommended to consume this juice every morning on an empty stomach for one week.

2. Energy-boosting juice

Use the energizing properties of beetroot and honey in combination with the refreshing power of oranges and the antioxidants contained in strawberries. A cocktail based on these ingredients will provide your body with a lot of energy and will make you face all your daily duties with optimism.


You can also consume the following drink at times when you feel excessively tired and in decline. Certainly a glass of this delicious juice will put you on your feet right away!


  • 1 beetroot
  • 4 strawberries
  • The juice of two oranges
  • A spoon of honey

A method of preparing

  1. Thoroughly wash the beetroot and then squeeze the juice out of it using a juicer or squeezer. Meanwhile, squeeze the juice of the two oranges as well.
  2. Mix both juices together, add a tablespoon of honey and four strawberries. Blend everything until you get a smooth texture smoothie. Drink immediately after preparation.
  3. This juice is perfect for mornings when we wake up sleepy or tired. For example, after a sleepless night or when we go to bed very late.

3. Juice to improve circulation

We have already written many times that beetroot is a vegetable that perfectly strengthens the circulatory system. We repeat it today! Regular consumption of beetroot juice allows you to avoid many different diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If we combine the healing power of beetroot with the properties of other vegetables and fruits, we will get an authentic vitamin bomb that will effectively cleanse the veins and arteries and prevent the development of unsightly varicose veins .

Fresh beet juice


  • 3 beets
  • 1 cm of ginger root
  • 2 apples
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 sprigs of celery

A method of preparing

  1. First of all, wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Cut the beetroots and apples into pieces (peel the apple and leave the beetroot if possible).
  2. Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until you get a delicate juice. Drink immediately after preparation.
  3. The best time to consume this juice is noon, a few minutes before lunch. If you want to cleanse your veins and arteries, drink it regularly every two days.

4. Juice to eliminate constipation

You haven’t been to the toilet for several days? We have a solution – delicious cleansing juice, which additionally stimulates the intestines and facilitates defecation. Drink it in the morning and you won’t have constipation problems anymore.

Combining the powerful nutrients of several vegetables will not only effectively cleanse the digestive tract, but also nourish the body and strengthen its overall health.

Fresh beet juice


  • 1 beetroot
  • 4 carrots
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 25 grams of spinach leaves

A method of preparing

  • Wash all vegetables thoroughly. Cut them into pieces and put them in a blender.
  • Keep blending until you get a homogeneous beetroot juice. Finally, add half a glass of water. Drink immediately after preparation.
  • Drink the juice every morning or at times when you are constipated.

Be sure to try our recipes. You will see positive results soon!

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