Basil – A Natural Mosquito Repellent

Basil works not only as a spice for dishes, but also as a natural mosquito repellent. Find out how to prepare it.
Basil - a natural mosquito repellent

Many of us use basil in the kitchen. It has a great aroma and goes well with pasta, pizza and flavored oils. Did you know that it also works as a natural mosquito repellant?

This aromatic herb  repels insects. Find out how to use them at home.

Characteristics of basil

Basil is native to Asia, but is grown all over the world. Currently, more than 40 species are known, the most popular of which is  Ocimum basilicum.

It is a plant with wide, intensely green leaves. It can reach half a meter in height, and all its aroma is in the leaves. It blooms in summer – its flowers are white or lilac.

It is known for its high content of essential oils  with healing properties. They help with problems with the digestive, respiratory and urinary systems.

Basil is used as a medicinal plant for:

  • Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and parasitic diseases.
  • Respiratory diseases such as bronchitis.
  • Dermatological problems.
  • Altitude sickness. It contains eugenol, which has an anticoagulant effect and accelerates blood circulation.
  • Basil essential oil is antifungal and fights bacteria and fungi.
Basil works well not only in the kitchen, but also as a mosquito repellent.

Why does basil scare away mosquitoes?

To understand how basil works, you need to know how mosquitoes choose their prey. Their bites not only itch and tease, but also carry risks in the form of serious diseases. Mosquito  Aedes aegypti  are to blame for epidemics of dengue and yellow fever.

This type of insect has thermal and chemical sensors that detect food. Their entire tiny organism is focused on locating prey.

  • Their legs are sensitive to the temperature difference between the object of interest and the environment.
  • Their antennae sense the water vapor and carbon dioxide we exhale. What’s more, our skin releases substances such as lactic acid with sweat, which also attracts mosquitoes.

The use of chemical repellants is aimed at mosquito sensors. They then lose the ability to detect their victims. Basil contains four natural substances that repel mosquitoes: estragol, citronellol and limonene and trans-nerolidol.

How To Use Basil As A Natural Mosquito Repellant?

Basil is a plant that allows for effective, simple and cheap repelling of mosquitoes. It is enough to put  plants in the windows, on the terrace and in the garden, and the number of mosquitoes will decrease.

To prepare a natural basil-based repellant, we need the following ingredients:

  • 120 milliliters of water.
  • Basil leaves.
  • 120 milliliters of vodka or alcohol 96 º.

Prepare an infusion from the leaves and water and drain it. We mix the liquid with vodka or alcohol and pour it into a spray bottle. We can use it whenever the need arises.

Alternatively, you can buy basil essential oil. It not only moisturizes the skin but also repels mosquitoes. Moreover, it has a wonderful aroma.

Mosquitoes transmit dangerous diseases such as dengue fever.  Therefore, you have to beware of them.

Basil as a natural mosquito repellent versus synthetic remedies

Synthetic repellant products are not always as effective as we think. It has been proven that only agents containing DEET N , N- Diethyl- m- toluamide) in a concentration of not less than 25% are effective.

When using natural essential oils as repellants, however, it is worth bearing in mind that they evaporate easily. So you have to repeat the application often , because the effect is short-lived.

In addition to natural remedies such as basil, we can also take additional measures to repel mosquitoes:

  • The use of mosquito nets on windows,  doors and children’s cradles.
  • Read product labels for natural ingredients to determine the duration of action, minimum age of use, and skin type to which they can be applied.
  • Brushing the sheets before going to bed  to check for mosquitoes in the bedroom.

We hope you use basil and other natural remedies to get rid of mosquitoes in your environment.

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