Alfredo Sauce – Potatoes With An Unusual Version

Discover with us today the incredibly original Alfredo sauce. It goes perfectly with pasta, rice, meat or potatoes. Although this sauce is quick and easy, it is worth paying attention to the cooking time – the final result will depend on this factor.
Alfredo sauce - potatoes in an unusual version

Alfredo sauce is a traditional American addition to pasta or chicken. It has an excellent texture and a very attractive taste. It is sometimes used by vegetarians and vegans, and – in a slightly more extensive version – by the rest of the society. Americans are literally crazy about him!

Refresh your daily menu a bit and try the alfredo sauce . We suggest combining it with our traditional potatoes. Delicate, white sauce in combination with aromatic bacon is an authentic feast for the taste buds.

In addition, the taste of potato and other aromatic additives will make this simple dish a very original and exquisite dinner.

Below you will find a quick and easy recipe for potatoes in alfredo sauce. Surprise your family and friends with a new, very tasty dish. See for yourself that the delicious potatoes in the new version will disappear from the plates in a few minutes and everyone will be asking for more!

Potatoes and alfredo sauce – a healthy and nutritious dish

Potatoes in Alfredo sauce are an extremely nutritious meal. Due to the wealth of various ingredients, they provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals that play a key role in the daily diet.

White sauce
  • The recipe below is designed to prepare four servings of 488 calories each. Consider the fact that on an average of 2,000 calories a day, this dish is 24% of the body’s recommended daily energy requirements.
  • Each serving is a source of 12.5 grams, i.e. 4.2% of the body’s daily requirement for this type of nutrient.
  • Potatoes in Alfredo sauce are rich in protein. Each serving contains as much as 57% of the body’s daily requirement.
  • In turn, the fat content in one serving is 52% of the recommended daily intake.
  • This dish is also a good food source. Each serving contains about 1.7 grams of it. So don’t worry about digestive problems after lunch.
  • What’s more, potatoes in alfredo sauce also contain 1.3 grams of sugar and 105 mg of cholesterol.

Potatoes in alfredo sauce – a wealth of ingredients, a simple recipe

If you want to achieve the original taste straight from the American tables, you will have to stock up on many different ingredients. However, there is no need to worry – most of them are sure to be found in your kitchen.

Peeled potato


  • 4 potatoes
  • 1/4 cup diced bacon (50 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of butter (80 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped onion (15 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of pressed or chopped garlic (5 g)
  • 2 cups of milk (500 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of flour (80 g)
  • ½ cup of finely grated (120 g)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of pepper (2 g)
  • ¾ cup of grated mozzarella cheese (180 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of nutmeg (2.5 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of salt (2.5 g)
  • Chopped parsley (to taste)

A method of preparing

  • First, wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into smaller pieces and boil them in salted water. When they are soft, take them off the heat, take them out of the water (along with the bacon) and set aside to cool.
  • Meanwhile, fry the bacon in a frying pan (over medium heat) until it turns golden. Then throw it into the boiling potatoes for the last two minutes.
  • Put the potatoes with bacon aside and start the Alfredo sauce. The first step is to stew chopped onion and garlic in butter.
  • When the onion is translucent, add four tablespoons of flour to it and stir until it forms a thick golden paste.
  • Then add to it and cook until the mass thickens a bit. Stir all the time.
  • Finally, add the cheese (grated Parmesan and mozzarella) and mix thoroughly. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
  • Pour the finished Alfredo sauce into a glass dish (preferably heat-resistant) and mix with the potatoes. Garnish with parsley and feast on relish!

As you can see, potatoes in alfredo sauce are easy and quick to prepare. The ingredients used are cheap and rich in valuable nutrients. Get ready for the above recipe and you will not regret it. Your family will love potatoes in this unusual version.

Remember that if you want, you can slightly modify the recipe by adding your favorite spices. Nothing prevents you from experimenting with the amounts and proportions from the original recipe.

Cooking is great fun and you will discover the perfect dishes for you and your family.

A few tips for potatoes in alfredo sauce

Although the recipe is very simple and there is absolutely nothing complicated about it, there are a few important points that may affect the end result.

Fresh parsley
  • Make sure the potatoes do not overcook. If this happens, they will lose their juiciness and firm texture and will dry out when mixed with alfredo sauce. Remember that the aim of the dish is whole potatoes and not mashed potatoes.
  • As potatoes cut into smaller pieces cook faster than whole potatoes, we recommend that you check their condition approximately every five minutes after the water boils. You can do this with a wooden stick or a sharp knife.
  • Decorate the finished dish with parsley. The green color will liven up the white-yellow landscape on the plate.
  • If you are on a diet or just want to lower the caloric value of a dish – use skim milk to prepare the sauce. However, such a change can negatively affect the creamy texture of the sauce. To see the effects, just try it once and compare the result with the dish based on the original recipe.

This extremely simple and tasty dish will satisfy the hunger of four people without any problems. Modify the proportions depending on the number of guests. Remember to always prepare a little bit in advance, because you’ll be sure to hear a request for more!

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