A Magic Mandala To Relieve Stress!

Mandala is a tool that allows you to get to know yourself better, look at your emotions, beliefs and experiences, and overcome stress.
A magic mandala to relieve stress!

For several years now, the mandala has been steadily gaining new followers. It is about beautiful decorative objects and mechanisms that help you relax through a variety of forms and colors. Many people buy them on paper, black and white, so that they can color them by themselves.

The word mandala means “holy circle”. It represents the cycle of life in Hindu culture and among Buddhists. Usually when we say “mandala” we think of mysticism and different energies. In this article, we’ll look at one of its basic functions. Mandala is relaxing and relieves stress. Do you want to know more?

Mandala – what is its mysticism?

First, let’s talk about where it comes from and what it is for.

It is very common, for example, among the Tibetan population.

relaxing mandala

That is why, from a mystical point of view, the mandala has the following properties:

  • It fills the home with positive energy, bringing balance and prosperity.
  • As it transforms negative into positive energy, it is believed to have healing effects.
  • It represents both balance and peace. Visually, it is an artistic manifestation that brings relief.

Mandala – the meaning of colors

symbols for stress

You definitely want to know what the meaning of each of the colors used is. Are you interested in the symbolism of each form? Remember that mandala is present in Hindu culture, so we will talk about energies and chakras.

  • Red – represents the first chakra. It conveys strength, the value of love, passion and also pride.
  • Orange – the second chakra. It is the color of ambition and optimism. It is an inner strength that lies dormant in each of us and helps us achieve our goals.
  • Yellow – the third chakra. It stands for intelligence, prudence, and personal liberation.
  • Green – the fourth chakra. The color of hope and healing. It is also a symbol of the balance between love and reason.
  • Blue – the fifth chakra. As you may have guessed, blue is the color of peace and tolerance.
  • Indigo – the sixth chakra. It helps to communicate with our inner self, making us solve problems prudently.
  • Violet – the seventh chakra. Magic color. It represents imagination and spirituality.
  • Pink: Eighth chakra. This pleasant color surrounds us with love and friendship. Also a personal charm.

Mandala to relieve stress

mandala circles to combat stress

In recent years, the mandala has been widely used in education, especially for the youngest. It helps them focus, express their feelings through the choice of colors, and improves their mental performance.

Mandala has equally interesting benefits for adults.

  • Coloring is a great relaxation exercise. The colors, forms and shapes rest the mind and senses.
  • A mandala can be aesthetically very complicated,  so we focus our attention more and play with different shades of colors. Some people choose darker colors. This causes them to finally express their emotional state. This is a very effective exercise for expressing feelings.
  • As already mentioned, the mandala can be more or less complicated. Coloring it may take from about half an hour to even 2 days. This is the time when you can be alone with yourself, with your thoughts and emotions. This is a great opportunity to forget about everyday problems.
  • In the picture below there is an “empty” mandala, ready to be colored. You can buy them in special stores or print them from free websites, which are really a lot. This is a great way to develop artistic talent and emotional maturity.
  • You can color the mandala together with your kids. You will improve their concentration and get to know their feelings. They will surely be delighted!
    a way to improve concentration and combat stress

Don’t wait! A mandala is more than just a decorative pattern!

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