A Blow To The Head In A Child – When Is It A Cause For Concern?

A blow to the head in a child - when is it a cause for concern?

You are worried and you ask the question: “My child has hit his head and I don’t know what to do.” A slap on the head of a baby  can make you scared, especially if you are a novice mother.

Don’t forget, however, that childhood is the time when the little ones play the most mischief. On the other hand, this stage raises the most concern in the mind of the parents. Well, by not being able to fully control her movements, the baby is at risk.

A blow to the head in a child  is a common occurrence. Parents should know how to prevent it.

Children are innocent by nature. They are unaware of the dangers around them. They easily trip over furniture or cannot see the toy lying on the floor. This stage of risk usually covers the age of six months to four years, when the baby begins to explore the world with greater independence.

Perhaps you will find it familiar: “My baby has hit her head hard and now she is crying.” A blow to the head can be very risky depending on the circumstances and symptoms your child has.

It is important to be intuitive and know which points in your home are dangerous. This way you minimize the risk of your baby stumbling.

A blow to the head in a child: how to help him?

Now you know how restless and accident-prone your child is. So you need to prepare to know what action to take.

In most cases, a blow to the head only causes surface injuries, such as contusions (bruises), wounds, and pain at the site of impact.

The steps to take are very simple. Keep your baby in a calm and quiet place. Raise his head up, and put ice wrapped in a cloth over the place where it hit. Give him some water in very small portions to avoid the symptom of vomiting.


It is important to stay calm and reassure your baby. This will help you observe them with greater objectivity. Depending on the type and intensity of the injury, additional methods may be used.


If a blow to the head results in cutting the skin, wash the wound with clean water. If an item has been damaged in an accident, inspect it and check that no skin fragments are left in the area.

Boy - a blow to the head


If your child has a bruise, the procedure is simpler, but it also needs to be handled with care and attention. As ice is applied to the site where the blow to the head has occurred, the size of the hematoma should decrease.

If the area of ​​impact enlarges and inflammation occurs, it is best to see a doctor for a careful examination of the child. This will avoid any serious consequences.

Warning symptoms

A blow to the head is one of the most sensitive injuries in both children and adults. The head is where the brain is located, so it is important to observe how your child reacts several hours after the accident.

However, when you wake up, you should carefully check that all his behavior is normal.

Child examination

Other symptoms that require action are nausea, blurred vision or confusion. These behaviors should be closely monitored and their frequency monitored. Check if the child feels numbness in the limbs or a headache. After all, a blow to the head of a child might somehow damage the vessels in the brain.

When any of these symptoms appear, see a doctor. Require a doctor to assess the level of consciousness and general condition of the child. By carefully checking this variable, your doctor will determine the tests needed to assess the possibility of brain damage, such as an X-ray or ultrasound scan (ultrasound).


A very important thing should be emphasized. You must go to the hospital without delay before your baby’s general condition deteriorates. Whether symptoms appear immediately or within 48 hours of hitting the head.

Remember that if you want to prevent these kinds of accidents on your child, you should evaluate their play area and where they are moving. Remember that he is a child and cares little about his surroundings and is not concerned about the dangers.

However, if the blow to the head happened to a child around you, you already know how to help a worried mother.

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