Detox Soup – 4 Delicious Recipes

We usually eat lettuce raw, but it is worth noting that when cooked in combination with other vegetables, it will be much more easily digestible and nutritious.
Detox soup - 4 delicious recipes

We usually associate soup  with a family home or dinner at grandma’s. However, it is worth taking a closer look at the health benefits that can be brought to us by making soups with the right ingredients.

Organs such as the liver and kidneys are responsible for removing toxins from the body, but when these harmful substances build up in the body, it can lead to many health problems.

That is why it is worth supporting the work of the organs and detoxing the body from time to time. It may surprise you, but your ally in this case will be  soup.

Where do toxins come from in the body?

There are also harmful substances in the body of every human being, but the liver and kidneys work constantly to regularly excrete them and prevent their harmful effects on health. Unfortunately, this process is also influenced by many other factors which, in intensity, may disturb the internal organs in their work.

Here are a few of these factors:

  • hard-to-digest foods
  • foods high in fat
  • excess animal proteins
  • preservatives, artificial colors and flavors
  • alcohol
  • tobacco and other stimulants
  • some hygiene products and cosmetics
  • air pollution
  • anxieties
  • negative emotions

As you can see, many factors can contribute to the presence of toxins in the body, so it’s no wonder that the organs responsible for removing them are not always fully cope with this task.

Detox soup – 4 recipes

You can add fresh lemon juice, vinegar, olive oil or a pinch of cayenne pepper and sea salt to the soup to spice it up. You can also serve the soup with an apple or a piece of other fruit and various easily digestible products rich in protein – e.g. eggs or fish.

Additionally, maintain a balanced diet and drink plenty of water between meals. Also, avoid the products described above, as then the soup can bring enormous benefits to your health.

Nettle and celery soup

Nettle is a wild-growing plant with blood-purifying properties. It is best to collect it yourself from the field, using gloves to avoid burns. It is worth paying attention to whether we collect nettle from an unpolluted place. If you prefer, you can also buy this plant at a herbalist store.

Here are the additional properties of the nettle:

  • disinfecting
  • anti-inflammatory
  • astringent
  • cleansing
  • anti-rheumatic
  • lowering blood sugar levels

In turn, celery not only supports the work of the liver and gallbladder, but also benefits the kidneys. It is because of these cleansing properties that it is worth including it in this recipe.

Celery soup

Soup with lettuce and dandelion

On the other hand, lettuce is a product that is usually served raw. However, it is worth considering the possibility of cooking it with other vegetables, which makes it easier to digest and provides a lot of nutrients.

Lettuce also has diuretic properties and helps regulate the nervous system, making lettuce soup a great choice for dinner and a good night’s sleep.

Cumin and oatmeal soup

Oatmeal will not only make the soup thick, but also provide you with a dose of fiber and vegetable proteins, which facilitate the elimination of harmful substances from the body. This grain also has a high nutritional value, supports the digestive system and is irreplaceable if you need support in a total body detox.

Roman cumin is an extremely intense spice with many health properties. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects, among other things; it also supports cleansing the liver and secretion of bile.


Onion and artichoke soup

Onion soup is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Onions are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sulfur. They also contain large amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E. Whether you eat onions raw or cooked, they support the functioning of the kidneys.

In turn, artichokes are known for their amazing effects on liver health. They can be made into an infusion or used in other recipes such as vegetable soup. Remember that artichoke soup can have a slightly bitter taste, especially if you use leaves to make it.

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