5 Tips On How To Strengthen Your Nails Naturally

Nowadays, there are many cosmetic methods and treatments that help to strengthen nails in a natural way. The secret, however, lies in their regular use. We’ll tell you more in this article!
How to strengthen nails naturally: 5 tips

Do you want to know how to strengthen your nails naturally ? Discover 5 effective tips in the article below.

Our nails are made up of a series of layers of a protein called keratin. When they are healthy, their surface is smooth and hard, with no unevenness or cracks. However, if the nails are weak, they may appear thin and yellowish.

The appearance of our nails is more than a simple aesthetic problem. The condition of the nails also reveals some aspects of our health. Therefore, when they are weak and fragile, it is important to evaluate the possibility of nutritional deficiencies or underlying diseases.

In this case, you will need to follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor before taking natural remedies. However, if the doctor determines that the problem is mild, regular grooming is sufficient.

How to strengthen nails naturally?

There are a few basic habits to strengthen your nails naturally, and you can incorporate them into your grooming routine. The use of commercial products can be very helpful, but in general, it is worth using basic care techniques that help keep your nails healthy.

1. Eat foods that contain biotin

Vitamin B7

Proper nutrition and absorption of biotin improves the structure of the nails, preventing them from weakening and breaking.

Regular consumption of foods containing biotin is a great way to strengthen your nails naturally. This type of vitamin B enables the body to turn foods into energy and also helps build strong nails and hair.

In fact, a study by Weill Cornell Medicine suggests that taking biotin supplements daily can improve nail health in just a few weeks.

You can increase your biotin intake by consuming the following foods:

  • Beer yeast.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Sardines.
  • Nuts and nut products.
  • Cereals.
  • Legumes.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Bananas.
  • Mushrooms.

2. Avoid using polishes and artificial nails

The constant use of nail polish and artificial nails can significantly contribute to the weakening of the top layers of nails. Therefore, if you want to strengthen them, you should stay as far away from these products as possible.

For nail polish, pay attention to labels and check that it does not contain the following substances:

  • Toluene.
  • Formaldehyde.
  • Dibutyl phthalate (DBP).

The best nail polish formulas are water-based ones that contain natural ingredients. Pharmacies and cosmetics stores already offer more and more products that contain delicate, nail-friendly ingredients.

3. Wear protective gloves to strengthen nails naturally

Use gloves for cleaning

Using protective gloves when working with chemical cleaners prevents the nails from weakening.

Contact with chemical products can significantly contribute to the destruction of nails. Therefore, to maintain strong nails, while performing household chores that require the use of cleaning, wear protective gloves.

In addition, it is worth using only environmentally friendly products. After all , what’s good for the environment is good for your body too!

No matter what, gloves act as a barrier that prevents chemicals from coming into direct contact with your nails. What’s more, they protect the skin of the hands against contact with chemicals.

4. Maintain proper hygiene

Good hygiene habits are a great ally when it comes to strengthening your nails. They help to stimulate their growth and minimize cracking. Therefore, first of all, it is important to wash your hands regularly and remove dirt from underneath your nails.

It’s also a good idea to trim your nails with a sharp nail clipper. First, cut them straight and then round the corners with a file. It is crucial to moisturize the cuticles and the surface of the nails.

All you need to do is gently massage in a moisturizing lotion, cream or oil.

5. Consume protein to strengthen nails naturally

Protein strengthens nails

Incorporating the right amount of protein into your diet will provide the nutrients you need to build keratin.

According to materials taken from the medical library of the  United States National Library of Medicine , nails are composed primarily of a fibrous protein known as keratin.

Therefore, to keep your nails strong and healthy, you need to make sure your diet contains enough protein. This way you will definitely increase the production of keratin in your body.

Some keratin-containing products include:

  • Pork and beef.
  • Chicken and turkey.
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy.
  • Fatty fish.
  • Legumes.
  • Dry nuts and seeds.
  • Cereals.

Consult a specialist

You can strengthen your nails naturally by making changes to your diet and basic grooming routine. However, the most important thing is consistency. Nothing will strengthen your nails overnight, so you need to develop and maintain new habits.

However, if the condition of the nails still does not improve despite the treatments, you should see a doctor. Remember that weak and brittle nails can also be a sign of hormonal disorders or poor nutrition.

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