Cinnamon – Properties You Did Not Know About

Cinnamon is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps with weight loss by accelerating fat burning.
Cinnamon - Properties You Didn't Know About

In addition to being commonly used in baking,  cinnamon has been known for a long time for its healing effects. It is a great way to get rid of toxins, reduce blood sugar levels, fight overweight, regulate menstruation. Cinnamon is also great for metabolism.

Cinnamon and its properties

It is a spice from the regions of the Indian Ocean, and more specifically from the island of Sri Lanka. Its smell is the most characteristic. It is said that cinnamon relaxes and calms down with its fragrance alone.

It is very rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, fiber, vitamin C and B1. It effectively fights diarrhea, steadfastness, increases the body’s immunity and clears the respiratory tract.

Cinnamon works great in slimming diets , accelerating the fat burning process. In addition, it is full of antioxidants that slow down the aging process of cells. The same antioxidants prevent fatty acids from depositing on the veins and arteries.

A daily cup of cinnamon tea helps fight cholesterol and regulates blood glucose levels. It also improves metabolism and eliminates gas. It stimulates the appetite and controls platelets.

Research by the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (Florida, USA) proves that cinnamon stimulates the brain, especially in the elderly. It has a positive effect on visual memory and concentration. It’s not everything. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is especially recommended for arthritis.

It can also be used for external use. It has antibacterial properties and disinfects the skin . It also helps to remove bacteria and fungi naturally.

Cinnamon powder

Cinnamon and its infusion – properties

Cinnamon can be included in our diet in many different ways. One of the best options, however, is to drink its infusions.

Thus, it retains all its properties and is not canceled out by other food products. As our digestive system absorbs it faster and better, the results are visible after a short time.

Cinnamon for diabetics

One of the benefits that cinnamon offers us is its beneficial effect on people with type 2 diabetes (the one that affects the body’s response to insulin, which causes an increase in blood sugar levels).

One cup of tea a day helps regulate glucose in the body. Fasting drunk works best.

Supports weight loss

The role it plays in treating diabetes also works for those who want to lose weight. By eating more than needed, the pancreas increases the production of insulin, which affects the storage of glucose in the body.

As cinnamon reduces blood sugar, less insulin is produced and therefore our body stores less fat. In this case, you should drink two cups of the infusion a day: one in the morning and the other in the evening.

It is good for the stomach

Cinnamon supports our digestive system. It degreases the stomach and prevents it from ulcerating. It also acts as an antiemetic and reduces gas. It can be said that it causes – by supporting the action of gastric juices – that food is digested much more efficiently.

It effectively controls diarrhea and affects bowel movements. Therefore, it is especially recommended for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. All this is due to the fact that it contains large amounts of fiber, iron and calcium.

Cinnamon helps with irregular periods

When it comes to menstruation, cinnamon infusion, as an anticoagulant, perfectly regulates it. This can be seen in two ways: it speeds up the period if it is not more than 3 weeks late, or it has a soothing effect, relieving menstrual cramps.

Period pains

It reduces cholesterol levels

Cinnamon has been shown to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides. In this way, it prevents congestion and supports the circulatory system.

It fights colds

In times of flu and colds, cinnamon will be your best ally. Chinese medicine has been using it for this purpose for years.

This is due to the fact that cinnamon has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, lowers fever and reduces cough. It has been proven to relieve headaches and migraines.

However, don’t forget that while cinnamon has so many fantastic properties, it is not recommended to consume it in excess. Ideally, you should check with your doctor to see if the medications you’re taking are compatible with cinnamon.

Cinnamon – contraindications

You should avoid it in some cases. Its properties may have side effects on our health.

Cinnamon stick

Don’t use it excessively

It contains a toxic compound called coumarin, which in high concentrations can damage the liver and kidneys. Always in moderation.

Pregnant women and breastfeeding

Avoid cinnamon during pregnancy. It affects blood pressure and thus the blood supply to the uterus. It can be very dangerous. The same is true if you are breastfeeding as it can cause allergic reactions through the compounds it contains.

Stomach ulcers

If you suffer from ulcers, cinnamon can only aggravate the problem by causing irritation. It’s best to put it down completely.

Watch out for the heart!

Cinnamon can make your heart beat faster. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. It can be very dangerous in some cases.

It is not compatible with antibiotics

It has its own properties as a natural antibiotic, therefore we do not recommend mixing it with others. It can affect their operation, causing many side effects. Try not to eat cinnamon if you are on antibiotic treatment.

Delicious cinnamon infusion recipes

Cinnamon for weight loss

To prepare cinnamon slimming infusion, you will need:

  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

Just mix a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon in boiling water well. Then you need to wait about 10 minutes for the infusion to brew.


Cinnamon for menstrual cramps

The ingredients you need are:

  • 1 piece of cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup of water

We put our piece of cinnamon stick in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Then wait until it cools down and take out the cinnamon. And it’s ready! If you absolutely need to sweeten the brew, use brown sugar or honey.

Cinnamon infusion for flu

You will need:

  • 1 piece of cinnamon stick
  • Boiling water
  • Herbal tea (such as green tea)

We put a piece of cinnamon stick in boiling water and leave it there for about 2 minutes. Then we wait until it cools down a little and we can use our infusion to prepare any herbal tea.

This combination will certainly help us reduce the symptoms of flu and colds. Indispensable especially in winter!

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