Side Effects Of Chemotherapy – A Way To Alleviate

Reducing the side effects of chemotherapy is about minimizing the damage that this extremely harmful procedure can do to a cancer patient. There is a drug whose primary goal is to transform cancer from a fatal disease to a chronic disease.
Chemotherapy side effects - a way to alleviate

The diagnosis is made: cancer. Even when the doctor assures us that we will come out victorious in the fight against this disease, each of us feels great anxiety and fear of this deadly enemy. Especially against the devastating side effects of chemotherapy.

As is well known, this disease would not be so terrible if it were not for the devastating effects of chemotherapy . The vast majority of patients fear them the most. Therefore, scientists are constantly working on solutions that would be able to alleviate the side effects of this cancer treatment therapy.

The scientists and specialists who study the effects of chemotherapy on the body of lung cancer patients are the closest to success in this field. Find out with us what is the effect of the drug that alleviates the side effects of chemotherapy. And also when it will be widely available on the pharmaceutical market.

The most common side effects of chemotherapy

Before we turn to a specific example of lung cancer, we would like to briefly recall the most common and bothersome side effects of any chemotherapy-based treatment regimen.

Woman after chemotherapy

Apart from the loss of hair most associated with chemotherapy, the following are also unpleasant:

  • Malaise and general weakness of the body
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Strong pains
  • Damage to various healthy organs

It is worth realizing that chemotherapy is based on giving the patient powerful doses of powerful drugs that destroy not only cancer cells but also healthy tissues and organs. So it is easy to imagine the gigantic battle that our body is fighting with this powerful enemy – cancer.

Eager to win cancer cells attack the healthy cells of our body with great force. In turn, in order for our body to fight the enemy, it is necessary to apply therapeutic therapy, which unfortunately also damages the healthy tissues and cells of the weakened patient’s organism.

This solution is very harmful to the sick organism. Scientists are therefore putting tremendous effort into researching a drug designed to alleviate or completely eliminate the harmful side effects of chemotherapy.

Immunotherapy – An alternative to chemotherapy for lung cancer

Scientists agree that the best and, at the same time, the most effective fight against cancer is strengthening healthy cells. It is this strategy that should replace chemotherapy, which is devastating for the organism of cells.

This way of treating cancer is called immunotherapy . Unfortunately, despite the tremendous success and fantastic results of this modern strategy, it has proved unsuccessful in lung cancer.


Scientists and specialists therefore began to study the behavior of cancer cells in the lungs in order to adapt them to this modern method or to develop another alternative that could prevent the harmful side effects of chemotherapy.

  • It was soon discovered that the neoplastic cells developing in the lungs form a protective coating around them, which prevented the drug from penetrating inside them. For other cancers, the body’s immune system has worked as expected.
  • The question then arose: How can a drug designed to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy in lung cancer be achieved to overcome the obstacles encountered?
  • A team of oncologists from the 12 de Octubre hospital in Madrid (Spain) has paved a completely new path in this respect. They decided to target the treatment strategy not at the immune system in general, but directly at a specific protein known as PD1.
  • Oncology specialist Gil Bazo explains that when PD1 comes in contact with another protein – PD-L1 – and they combine. Then the cancer cells do not identify them as hostile and open their protective barrier against them.
  • Thus, a new drug was born that raises great hopes among thousands of lung cancer patients. Its name is Pembrolizumab.

It is worth noting, however, that this drug is not applicable to the treatment of all types of lung cancer. Its effectiveness depends on the level of PD-L1 protein presence. If it does not exceed 49%, then the process of combining proteins does not take place and the drug turns out to be ineffective.

A medicine that could turn lung cancer into a chronic disease

We have written in many different articles that treatment strategies that fail to completely eliminate cancer cells can significantly prolong life in many cases. The obvious fact is that it will not be a life without disease and further treatment.

Lung cancer

When writing and talking about cancer, you should think about diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis and asthma. All these ailments a few decades ago were deadly diseases for which there was no cure. Today, however, is different. They are still diseases, but you can live with them – for many years.

This fact is also very optimistic for specialists in the field of oncology. If a cure for former incurable diseases has been found, cancer will also be successful!

These diseases, formerly incurable, today are only chronic diseases. They do not stand in the way of leading a normal lifestyle and reaching old age. In the case of lung cancer, the drug to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy is the first and extremely important step in the fight against this deadly disease.

At the end

Remember that lung cancer is very aggressive and attacks the human body with great force. Its occurrence is closely related to unhealthy habits. Very often we are unable to get rid of them. Or it causes us a lot of difficulties and requires a great deal of effort.

The approval of Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) by the European Commission is the first step in an exciting race. We have great chances of winning in it. A life that does not offend human dignity is undoubtedly a huge success.

Aware of the revolutionary nature of their discovery, scientists are now focusing all their energy and effort to finally take the next step in this race against death.

They are well aware that in the field of science and medicine we still have a lot to discover. Certainly, these will be spectacular discoveries that will save millions of lives.

It is thanks to the persistence and persistence of scientists that we are one step away from inventing a drug that will make cancer no longer a death sentence.

Thanks to them – revolutionaries who blatantly oppose the notion of “it’s impossible” – we can live with the hope that if we fall victim to cancer, we may be able to cure it like any other disease.

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