Bags Under The Eyes? Mask Them Naturally

Bags under the eyes?  Mask them naturally

Bags under the eyes can frustrate more than one woman. Not only are they unattractive, they make you look older, they are also extremely difficult to get rid of. Bags under the eyes are caused by various factors, such as sleepless nights, genetics, allergies, reactions to medications or water retention in the body. Read the article below and learn how to naturally mask bags under the eyes and other such imperfections – without resorting to plastic surgery.

Bags under the eyes – tips that will make you say goodbye to them forever

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  • First, you should eat a balanced diet that is low in sodium. Additionally, you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
  • Sleep face up to avoid water accumulation in your eyes (this is how the bags under your eyes are formed). To prevent them, you should sleep at least 8 hours straight.
  • Do this: leave two spoons in the freezer overnight. When you wake up in the morning, lie face up and place the spoons under your eyes. Stay in this position for five minutes until they warm up. Thanks to this procedure, the swelling will disappear as the temperature below zero clears the blood ducts and soothes swelling.
  • Apply the hemorrhoid cream to the area under the eyes once a day . Best in the morning to reduce the characteristic circles around the eyes. The anti-inflammatory action of the cream will ease the swelling.
  • Dip a cotton ball in a glass of cold green tea, then place it over your eyes. Leave for 20 minutes. The procedure is best done when you come home after work. The tea will increase blood circulation in the eye area and reduce puffiness.
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  • Wash your eyes with cool water immediately after waking up. Next, make an eye poultice with raw potatoes or cucumber slices. Leave it on for 10 minutes and you will see that the unsightly bags under the eyes will disappear. You should repeat this activity three times a week.
  • Gently tap your finger on the area under the eyes. Inside out, 10 times for each eye. Repeat this action once a day every day. Such a procedure will improve blood circulation and prevent fluid retention in the area under the eyes.
  • Take two egg whites and rub them into the area under the eyes. Leave it to dry. Then wash it off with lukewarm water and pat it dry, lightly patting it with your fingertips. Vitamin B from eggs will improve your circulation.

Effective treatment of bags under the eyes

The characteristic “circles” around the eyes are a classic result of an unhealthy lifestyle. This can be caused by poor nutrition, sleep problems such as insomnia, poor sleep or skin problems. To prevent puffiness under your eyes, follow these tips:

  • get enough sleep. Let your body rest, then your skin and mind also rest.
  • Drink plenty of water. It will make your skin smooth and more elastic. Keeping your body hydrated will help you get rid of all toxins.
  • Eat healthy. Poor diet is closely related to skin diseases. If you want, get rid of bags under the eyes and make your skin look radiant, eat more vitamins and minerals. Your skin will take on a great condition.
  • Use natural means to mattify any discoloration on the skin. You can use potato or cucumber juice for this purpose. Remember, using whole slices of these vegetables, the effects will be visible much faster.
  • Make a poultice of tea bags : the type doesn’t matter, but the most ordinary tea variety is the best. Brew the tea as usual, then let it cool down. Soak a cloth with the liquid and put it on the area under the eyes. You can also put a cold tea bag directly over your eyes. Such a procedure will perfectly relieve swelling.
  • Make a honey paste. Prepare honey, add one tablespoon of powdered milk to it. Apply to the area under the eyes and leave for 15 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, rinse with lukewarm water.

Make-up tricks to help you hide bags under your eyes

Instead of waiting for habit changes and home remedies to work wonders and help you get rid of bags under your eyes, you can use a few simple tricks to hide these imperfections on your face.

Good makeup can do wonders on your face. Do not forget about it. In stores you will find tons of products to mattify the bags under the eyes, but they are not always good for your skin. Sometimes they can also make you look unnatural, as if you were wearing a mask.

Makeup helps to cover a lot, but fair-skinned women often find it difficult to choose the right shade for them. If you are not a makeup professional, you can give your face a kind of “raccoon effect”. “Raccoon Effect” is the common name for a darker or lighter shade around your eyes that stands out clearly from your face.

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You can prevent this from happening by matting the bags under your eyes at the same time. Just follow these tips: thoroughly dry your face, moisten it with cream, and then apply your normal make-up base – gently tapping it with your fingertips into the skin. By doing this, you will carefully hide the bags under your eyes so that they are not visible at all. Then wait a few minutes and apply another layer of makeup. Thanks to this, you can be sure that the top layer of makeup will not rub off the base layer. We recommend applying the top layer of makeup to the entire surface of the face, but ignoring the area around the eyes. Here, apply a lighter layer by applying with a brush.

The layer you apply (the same as the eye base) should be opaque and have the same shade as the rest. It should cover all imperfections (dots, discoloration). To avoid the “raccoon effect” you can apply lighter or shinier eye shadows. By giving your eyelids a shine and applying shadows to give them the impression of blurred accents, you will even out the shades on your face.

If you find that the area of bags under your eyes is much lighter than the rest of your face, you can balance it by applying a blush to your cheeks. Such a procedure will distract from undesirable places. You will get the same effect by applying a thicker layer of lipstick to the lips or by using a sharper color, for example red.

Photos are courtesy of Rochelle Hartman, Nicolas Sanguinetti, Roman Klee and Anna Hirsch.

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