Fish That Can Harm Your Health!

Despite the fact that it is considered a delicacy, low-quality caviar can poison the body. 
Fish that can harm your health!

Fish is one of the healthiest foods. It has been proven to contain essential fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants to support the cardiovascular system and overall health of the body.

In recent years,  fish have been eaten much more often. Especially because they are a source of Omega 3 and are a great replacement for traditional meat.

What fish can harm your health?

Unfortunately, the food industry does not pay attention to the health of consumers and has been selling species that may contain mercury, antibiotics and carcinogens for several years.

The only question is… What kind of fish are they? Today we will present you 7 examples that should rather be avoided.

1. Red tuna

Red tuna contains large amounts of mercury which is carcinogenic. But how is that possible?


Like other marine species, tuna accumulates toxic compounds, heavy metals present in the creatures it feeds on. Mercury is stored and together with the tuna it goes to our table.

2. Fish full of toxins: Pangasius

This fish should be avoided completely. Over the past few years, panga has become wildly popular in many stores, but you should know that it is very harmful to your health.

It is grown in the Mekong River – one of the most polluted rivers in the world. It has been proven more than once that pangasius is fed with dead fish, bone debris and flour that leaves much to be desired.

3. Sum

If the catfish comes from Vietnam, you should know that you are taking a lot of risk. Why? In Vietnam, antibiotics are used that are banned in other countries due to their health effects.

Fish on a plate

These types of substances are collected by fish and then end up on our tables, which can cause severe side effects.

4. The shark

The shark is served in many restaurants as a very expensive and exotic delicacy. But be careful! By eating a shark, you support its illegal catch, which causes enormous environmental damage.

Nay! Take into account that sharks feed on smaller fish that can contain high amounts of mercury.

5. Caviar

This is one of the most expensive delicacies. But be careful! Due to the fact that it has become very popular, its quality has decreased significantly as it is grown in extremely polluted waters.

If you do not know the origin of caviar, it is better not to risk it, as you may experience serious consequences.

6. Fish: Puffers

Called “the world’s most dangerous culinary delicacy”. Puffer fish are an exotic dish, especially in Japan. One of the deadliest poisons, called tetrodotoxin, has recently been discovered to be inside these fish.

The said substance is found mainly in the liver, ovaries and skin, therefore cooking this fish is extremely difficult and dangerous. The poison does not disappear even after heat treatment or when the organs are removed. The risk is extremely high.

Tetrodotoxin causes uncontrolled muscle contractions , especially in the chest and esophagus, causing death by asphyxiation.

7. Farmed salmon

Captive-bred salmon is one that lives in crowded and bacterial-filled small bodies of water.

Salmon on a plate

They are usually fed on artificial substances, and hygiene leaves much to be desired. It certainly has a negative effect on our body.

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