Don’t Worry Too Much – Why Is It So Important?

Many people are worried about problems that they do not even know if they will actually arise. While this behavior is quite common, we can take steps to stop this bad habit.
Don't worry too much - why is it so important?

Does the term “thought-chewing” mean something to you? It is about those persistent thoughts that cause anxiety, worry and a lot of stress in the face of difficulties that have not even arisen. It’s not good for your health. Therefore, today we will see how not to worry in advance and not to think about problems that have not yet materialized.

Getting ahead of the events will not do us any good. In fact, obsessive thoughts make us imagine problems that we don’t even know will come about. Later in the article, let’s see how not to worry in advance in practice .

Impossible not to worry in advance – the story of Carmen

Carmen was a 25-year-old girl who couldn’t help but worry in advance. It was impossible for Carmen not to think about the problems. Whatever happened, Carmen always chewed in her mind and anticipated events she wasn’t sure would happen  .

For example, last week she sent a message to a friend who saw her but didn’t reply. Various thoughts flashed into Carmen’s mind at once, which sounded something like,  “She took offense at me.”

Or: ” Maybe I said something wrong. Or, “Maybe she’s angry at what I said the last time we saw each other.”

Worried woman.

Carmen is ahead of what can really happen. Moreover, she makes assumptions that may not be true but may affect the relationship she has with her friend. Carmen’s mindset perfectly reflects what it means to worry in advance.

Or maybe a friend was just busy with something. Maybe she saw the message and decided to reply to it a little later, but forgot. Who among us has not happened at least once?

How to get away from worrying in advance?

Thinking about problems.

Let’s see some of them:

  • Not everything is negative. Why do we always imagine the worst? In order not to worry in advance, we need to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.  It turns out that we often make very wrong assumptions.
  • Increasing your self-esteem. Thinking about problems that haven’t materialized may be because we have very low self-esteem. We must therefore increase them. Maybe we are afraid of leaving? Or maybe being rejected?
  • It’s always better to ask. Instead of letting stubborn thoughts continue to circulate in our head without end in sight, it is better to take action. Let’s get out of our own doubts by asking the other person if what we suspect is true.

As we can see, it is possible not to worry in advance and not to think about problems that have not yet materialized. But to achieve this, we must always take action and not let these negative thoughts keep circulating in our mind. The consequences of this are very unpleasant.

What will you gain if you stop worrying about it in advance

Now we know a little more about worrying and thinking about problems that didn’t arise. We also know something about how we can change our destructive habit. It is important for us to know the benefits that we will get if we apply all of the above principles in practice.

Benefits of rejecting stubborn thoughts

  • Farewell with anxiety! Anxiety causes us to feel anxious or worried for no reason. We feel bad about a situation that we only create in our mind. End of it!
  • Our relations will improve! If we stop imagining the worst always and assuming that something will go wrong, people will start to perceive us differently. We will stop giving the impression of insecure or dissatisfied and consequently our relationships will not deteriorate.
  • We will increase our self-esteem! We will feel much more confident and not focus so much on others. For example, that they can get angry with us.

If you stop worrying in advance, you will feel great relief. You will finally free yourself from problems that did not even arise. You will feel much safer and calmer. The eternal storm in our mind will finally subside, and instead we will be calm and feeling good.

What else can help?

There are some exercises that can help you not to worry too much. For example, the “stop thinking” technique can be very helpful if you identify with everything you’ve read about.

We recommend applying it in practice, although it may seem silly on the surface. This is an exercise that many psychologists recommend to their patients.

Likewise, exercise can help you fight obsessive thoughts. Or, you can talk honestly with others, open up and tell them what’s going on in your mind.

This way, that worry backpack you carry on your back will be emptied at least a little. And you will feel a big difference.

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