Double Chin – Fight It Naturally!

Double chin - fight it naturally!

The neck is a part of the body that we usually do not pay attention to at all until the passage of time quite directly draws our attention to its sagging appearance. There are many factors that trigger the undesirable double chin effect, but fortunately we know a few natural ways to gradually make it less visible.

In this article, we’ll show you some tips on how to eliminate a double chin in a completely natural way with a few simple exercises, lifestyle changes and some habits – which will also help you improve your overall health and well-being.

Double chin – get rid of it without plastic surgery!

Are you overweight?

When the double chin becomes particularly prominent, it often turns out to be due to your excess weight gain, so the first step to reducing its visibility is to stop gaining weight and, if possible, shed the extra pounds.

To reduce the unsightly appearance caused by a double chin, start eating a balanced diet and reduce the portions you eat for dinner, which is usually the most fattening meal of the day.

If your double chin is overweight, you can easily check it – just open your mouth.

Therefore, we will present you a few tips that will help you lose weight a bit without too much sacrifice:

  • Eat more fiber, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, dried fruits, seeds and nuts.
  • Avoid fried foods, sugar, dairy products, processed or fatty meats, and cakes.
  • Add vegetable salad to each meal.
  • Half an hour before each meal, drink a glass of water.
  • Chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly as you savor each bite. Thanks to this, you will feel full faster.

Is your double chin caused by sagging skin?

In many cases, double chin appears ę due to laxity of the skin on your face and neck, and not due to excess body fat. This can be due to, for example, sudden weight loss, aging processes, or even a genetic condition.

Regardless, you should start eating more protein in such a case, which will allow you to strengthen skin tissues – you can eat both animal protein (found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy) and vegetable (legumes, dried fruits, mushrooms, spirulina) , etc.).

You can also start taking homeopathic dietary supplements of natural origin to help you restore the firmness of your body tissues. Not only in the neck area, but in the muscle tissue in general. This supplement is called calcium fluoride D12.

Take three tablets and put them under your tongue, do this three times a day between meals. Avoid drinks and strong flavors like mint (including gum and toothpaste). You can take calcium fluoride for two months. After this period, take a break, and then repeat the procedure for another two months.

Eating with fiber

Hydration and cleansing of the skin

Regardless of the reason why you have a double chin, it is important in each case to ensure the right level of hydration, regeneration and deep nourishment of your skin, which will allow you to more effectively remove dead skin cells, renew and strengthen it.

  • Skin cleansing can be done with natural products such as salt, sugar or soda. This procedure should be performed once a week.
  • Gently rub wet skin with circular motions with your fingertips for at least one minute, then pat dry and then apply a moisturizing product.
  • The skin should be moisturized once or twice a day with vegetable oils designed for this purpose, for example coconut, almond, evening primrose, jojoba, etc.
  • Use this time to massage your skin gently to help you eliminate a double chin. Use your thumb and forefinger to massage the entire area of ​​the chin from the bottom up, while lightly stretching the skin.
Cleansing the skin

Exercises to eliminate a double chin

Finally, it’s time to discuss the key factor in reducing the undesirable effect of a double chin, regardless of why it is occurring, which is exercise. 10 minutes a day is enough, but regularity is essential.

  • As you sit or stand, raise your eyes and head to the ceiling while lifting your chin up. When you pull it out as far as you can, curl your lips into a typical spout and hold it in that position for a few seconds. You will be able to feel the chin skin stretching clearly.
  • Carefully turn your head to the side, hold it for a few seconds, and then repeat the same thing the other way.
  • Place a tennis ball under your chin and press it against your chest. Use as much force as you can trying to squeeze the ball. Repeat this exercise several times for maximum effect.
  • Chewing gum is an effective yet simple exercise to help improve the shape of your chin. However, avoid chewing gums containing sugar.

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