Toxins – Juices And Cocktails That Will Eliminate Them

Everyone is at risk of a build-up of toxins in the body. For people who do not lead a healthy lifestyle, specialists recommend detoxing the body even twice a year through a cleansing diet.
Toxins - juices and smoothies that will eliminate them

Toxins accumulate in our body mainly due to bad habits, inadequate diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Toxins usually accumulate in the main organs of our body and consequently lead to many ailments and diseases. Everyone is exposed to the accumulation of toxins in the body. For people who do not lead a healthy lifestyle, specialists recommend detoxing the body even twice a year through a cleansing diet. Other activities are also recommended that stimulate the metabolism and contribute to the removal of all this waste from the body.

To help with this process, today we are going to recommend a few juices and cocktails that, thanks to their miraculous properties, remove toxins from the body. They will also improve the functioning of the immune system, which is good for our health.

Peach cocktail is an effective weapon against toxins

This cocktail, besides being very tasty, has moisturizing, astringent and antioxidant properties. It promotes the excretion of toxins, improves blood circulation, and helps prevent colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer.


  • two peaches
  • one glass of skim milk
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • six almonds
  • one teaspoon of bee honey


Peel the peaches and cut them into pieces, then put them in a blender with the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly, at high speed. It is best to drink the finished cocktail on an empty stomach.

Pineapple cocktail

The pineapple will clean

Pineapple cocktail for toxins


  • pineapple slice
  • celery stalk
  • one grapefruit
  • half of the fig prickly pear
  • one tablespoon of bee honey


Wash fruits and vegetables well before mixing them. Squeeze the grapefruit juice and blend it with the remaining ingredients in a blender. When the cocktail is ready, you can drink it at any time of the day.

Celery juice

This juice probably won’t taste as delicious as previous cocktails, but celery has cleansing and detoxifying properties. They help to effectively and quickly remove toxins from the body.


  • three celery stalks
  • one tablespoon of honey
  • one glass of water


Put all ingredients into a blender, mix thoroughly, strain and drink daily for a week.

Orange and apple juice

Orange juice


  • four oranges
  • two apples
  • half a liter of water


First, squeeze the orange juice, then pour it into a blender and add the apples with the peel and water. This juice should be consumed daily after each meal for a week.

Apple and raspberry smoothie – remove toxins sweetly

This cocktail, in addition to having great properties that ensure that toxins are eliminated from the body, fights fluid retention and regulates metabolism. Thanks to its special powers, it is recommended to consume this cocktail to detoxify the body, fight obesity and treat rheumatic diseases.


  • two large apples
  • one glass of raspberries
  • one glass of water


First, wash the apples thoroughly and peel them. Then put the raspberries in a blender, add the sliced ​​apples and water. Mix thoroughly for a few minutes and drink three times a week.

Swiss chard cocktail

Leaf beetroot


  • one bunch of Swiss chard, also known as leaf beet
  • one bunch of parsley
  • two bananas
  • the juice of half a lemon
  • two glasses of water


All ingredients should be put in a blender and mixed for a long time until a uniform texture is obtained. It is recommended to drink a freshly prepared cocktail, then you will benefit from its best properties and all the nutrients. To perform cleansing of the body, it is recommended to drink this cocktail for a week.

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