Olive Oil – Home Medicine

Olive oil - home remedy

Olive oil, also known as “liquid gold”, has been a wonderful remedy for treating a variety of ailments for over centuries. It is extremely beneficial for your health. Olive oil contains healthy vegetable fats, so important to the Mediterranean diet, which should be on your diet every day.

In addition to including it permanently in your diet, you can use it in your daily life in many ways, for example as a painkiller (olive oil has pain relieving ingredients). In this article, we’ll show you different treatments with olive oil. Discover the amazing properties of this “liquid gold”, a gift from Mother Nature herself.

The benefits of olive oil

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  • Lowers cholesterol. Thanks to monounsaturated fatty acids, it lowers the level of bad cholesterol, and at the same time increases the level of good cholesterol in the body and tries to balance them.
  • It prevents cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.
  • It reduces hypertension. Thanks to the content of polyphenols and oleic acid.
  • It improves digestion. It acts as a protection, prevents the excessive secretion of gastric juices.
  • It improves the pH level of our body
  • Facilitates the absorption of calcium and magnesium
  • It prevents constipation
  • Supports the digestion of nutrients : Olive oil stimulates the secretion of bile from the gallbladder, which counteracts slow digestion and any other digestive difficulties caused by fats.
  • Supports cognitive functions thanks to the content of polyphenols and monounsaturated fats.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen.
  • Olive oil is highly recommended for menopause.
  • It is a great antioxidant, slows down the aging process.
  • It makes you not feel hungry. It is recommended to include it in your daily diet.
  • It makes your skin more elastic, nourishes damaged hair, nails and eyelashes.

Treatment with olive oil

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1. Constipation

The best way to relieve constipation is two tablespoons of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach. To improve the taste, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. If you suffer from severe constipation, take one tablespoon of olive oil and add warm water to it (also one tablespoon). Apply as an enema.

2. Ear pain

To get rid of the pain in your ears, apply a small drop of warm olive oil to each ear and then plug the ear with a cotton ball.

3. Hair loss

Olive oil relaxes the hair follicles and strengthens the blood circulation around them. For it to work properly, massage it into the scalp. Then, cover your head with a towel. Hold on for a few hours. After the specified time has elapsed, wash your head with shampoo.

4. Rheumatism and sprains

As mentioned before, olive oil has similar properties to ibuprofen. So let’s do a massage with the addition of olive oil (one or two tablespoons). Rub it into the sore spot, and then massage until absorbed. You will feel relieved immediately.

5. Burns

A tablespoon of olive oil is extremely useful for treating burns. However, remember not to use it immediately after the burn, as the wound should be breathing for the first few minutes. Olive oil will moisturize your skin and relieve pain.

6. Stretch marks

Stretch marks usually form on the muscles, abdomen, or breasts. To get rid of them, mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a tablespoon of wheat germ. Apply to the skin and massage gently. A huge dose of moisturizing ingredients will help you get rid of stretch marks. However, you need to be consistent and repeat the treatment every day.

7. Acne

Olive oil, as an antioxidant, is an excellent ally in the fight against acne. You should include it in your daily diet, it will keep your skin clean and moisturized. Prepare a tonic of 10 drops of lavender essential oil and a quarter of a liter of olive oil. Apply to the skin and massage it. Repeat the treatment every day.

8. Get rid of wax in your ears

To remove wax from your ears, apply one drop of olive oil to the ear just before going to bed. Cover your ear with a cotton ball. The next day, put a few drops of warm water in your ear (you can use a syringe for this). As a result, you will remove the wax from your ears without resorting to painful remedies.

9. Gallstones

It may surprise you, but a very common way to get rid of gallstones is to use one tablespoon of olive oil each morning with a few drops of lemon juice. This treatment requires consistency. However, it is highly effective, you will get rid of gallstones in small steps.

10. Smoothes wrinkles

Thanks to its antioxidant and moisturizing properties, olive oil is a miracle for your skin. With its help, you can even smooth out wrinkles. Every evening, apply a liquid on the skin of the face made with a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Massage gently. The results will be visible after some time. The skin will become young and radiant. Don’t wait, try it.


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