Neck Stiffness – What To Do When We Get Caught

A stiff neck can become a very painful condition if not treated on time. It can occur for many reasons, such as poor posture, stress, muscle weakness, and many other reasons. Find out how to deal with a stiff neck.
A stiff neck - what to do if it catches you

A stiff neck often comes on suddenly and is painful when turning, bending or stretching the neck. Due to the fact that the neck has a system of ligaments and muscles that work to move the head and hold it in place, it is an extremely fragile area.

Muscles run from the head and cervical spine to the collarbone, chest, and other areas, making a total of 20 pairs of muscles that enable us to move. When neck stiffness occurs , the blood vessels that carry blood to the muscles narrow, resulting in worsening tension.

For the most part, the muscles that suffer the most are the trapezius and parallelogram muscles. People suffering from a stiff neck often experience pain and obstruction of movement when they turn to one side.

This condition is quite common. In some cases, there may also be pain in the head and even in the arms. However, a stiff neck is not considered a disease. This is a sign that not everything is functioning properly in our body.

Stiff neck – symptoms

The diagnosis of neck stiffness is not difficult, as there is a characteristic pain in this area. In some cases the pain is long-lasting and in others it occurs spontaneously.

neck stiffness, woman in front of the computer

Here are the main symptoms:

  • Inflammation
  • Sharp, throbbing pain
  • Tingle
  • The surroundings are warm to the touch
  • Muscle pain
  • To turn the head, it is necessary to turn the whole body

In most cases, the stiffness of the neck does not lead to any serious problems. However, we should act quickly to prevent even more painful side effects.

The reasons

There are many possible causes for a stiff neck. Some include:

  • Overwork
  • Long-term repetitive repetition of the same activity
  • Forced postures that require the work of the neck muscles for a long time
  • Exposure to stressful situations
  • Weak muscles

How To Treat Neck Stiffness?

In general, treatment for neck stiffness includes oral anti-inflammatory drugs and applying ice or cold compresses to the affected area. Treatments are aimed at reducing swelling and pain. More severe cases require physical rehabilitation with a physiotherapist.

If none of the treatments mentioned above are successful, the next step may be cortisone injections in the tense area. Surgery is a last resort and only for chronic cases.

Tablets in hand

Also, if the pain is really troublesome:

  • Stop any type of physical activity for 3 days.
  • Gently massage the nape to keep it warm and help blood flow.
  • Follow a nutrient-rich diet to speed up healing.

Try the following self-massage and stretching exercises that you can do at home without worrying about making your pain worse. Before starting anything, maintain steady breathing and a stable posture.

You may feel slight pain, but it should never be intense. In this case, stop exercising immediately.

Using the stick

Below are some massage exercises you can use to counteract the symptoms of a stiff neck. However, they only have a temporary effect.

Left to right

  • The first thing you need to do is breathe deeply and exhale slowly. Get up and straighten up.
  • Then take the bar and place it just behind the nape of your neck, hold it gently with both hands.
  • Now roll the bar slowly.
  • Then start sliding it around your neck and sides.
  • You can also tilt your head forward and sideways.
  • Continue the exercise for 5 minutes.

Move and rotate

  • Stay in the same position from the previous exercise, but now move the bar down by pressing along the entire neck.
  • When you drag the bar, turn it to relax the muscles.
  • Then do the same on the sides of the neck.
  • Continue for 5 minutes.

Stiff neck – how can you prevent it?

  • Avoid positions that force your neck to flex unnaturally.
  • Change your position frequently.
  • Introduce more physical activity.
  • Don’t make sudden movements.
  • Be sure to do a short warm-up before any physical activity.
  • Stretch your back and neck every two hours.
  • Sleep in the correct position.
  • Check that the mattress is in good condition and that the pillow keeps the neck straight.
  • You can try out special activities like yoga or Pilates.
  • Put relaxation exercises into practice.
The woman relaxes in bed

Fortunately, a stiff neck can be treated successfully after just 2-3 sessions with a physical therapist. Fight the pain today!

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