Flan With Persimmon And Chocolate – Try This Delicious Recipe

A traditional dessert with two exotic ingredients that have become a permanent fixture on our tables. Did you know that you can combine persimmon and cocoa? Find out how to do it.
Flan with persimmon and chocolate - try this delicious recipe

The main characters in the recipe for flan with persimmon and chocolate are the fruit of persimmons, i.e. cocoa and cocoa. Both ingredients are more and more famous for their nutritional value and are gaining more and more popularity on the market.

This simple dessert with a surprising taste and texture will delight both young and old gourmets. Try the recipe for flan with persimmon and chocolate , and you will definitely repeat it often.

The recipe for flan with persimmon and chocolate offers tremendous health benefits

Persimmon and cocoa are two healthy foods to include in your daily diet. In addition, they have a very versatile use in the kitchen and allow you to prepare a variety of dishes. They can be used in fruit salads, smoothies, yoghurts, salads and desserts.

Persimmon, also known as kaki, is a fruit native to Japan and China. Today, however, it has gained great popularity in other countries of the world. Many varieties are known, and all of them are distinguished by their delicate taste.

At the nutritional level, it is worth paying attention to the high content of water, fiber and vitamins in this fruit. Vitamins A and C stand out in this case . It also provides antioxidants and other ingredients with interesting health effects.

Cocoa, on the other hand, comes from the South American continent. It was known as the food of the gods among the Incas. Then it became very popular in Europe due to its use as medicine.

In its original form, cocoa does not contain added sugar, as in chocolate. Consuming it in such a way ensures the best use of possible properties for the body. While experts point out that more scientific evidence is needed, cocoa provides the following benefits:

  • Protection of the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure.
  • Antioxidant effect.
  • Improving the blood supply to the brain.
Cocoa is a product highly appreciated for its taste, which is believed to have beneficial properties for the cardiovascular system.

Flan with persimmon and chocolate – ways to prepare a dessert

When it comes to preparing healthy desserts, you only need a few ingredients for optimal results. And very often the fruit gives an exquisite and unique taste.

Flan is undoubtedly a very traditional dessert in many countries. It can be prepared in all sorts of ways imaginable. You can also add many ingredients and flavors to flan.

It is baked in an oven or in a water bath. In more traditional recipes, fruit is added to the flan, while in the sugar-free versions, vegetable drinks are used. Although some of the recipes are more recommended for everyday consumption, all of them will ensure undoubted culinary success.

Option 1: flan with persimmon and chocolate without sugar, eggs and milk

With a bit of pure cocoa and a few ripe persimmons, you can safely prepare this delicious dessert. It requires no more ingredients and is prepared in just a few minutes.

Ingredients to prepare 6 servings

  • 800 grams of persimmon (weight of peeled and chopped fruit).
  • 60 grams of pure cocoa powder.

How to prepare a flan with persimmon and chocolate

  1. The first step is to peel and cut the persimmon into medium-sized pieces. Put them in the blender container and blend until cream is obtained.
  2. Then add cocoa and blend again until everything is evenly combined.
  3. Then pour into the individual tart molds and cover with aluminum foil. Put in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, and if possible, leave it until the next day.
  4. After this time, after removing from the refrigerator, a creamier consistency is obtained. Although it may differ slightly from traditional flan, the effect is spectacular and very tasty.

In this case, it is a recipe that meets the criteria of healthy desserts. No added sugar as its sweet taste comes from the fruit itself. So this persimmon and chocolate flan is almost the same as eating the fruit whole with a little pure cocoa.

In addition, this version is suitable for people with common intolerances and allergies, such as allergies to eggs and milk. It is also suitable for people with celiac disease if pure cocoa is certified with the appropriate symbol (it does not pose a risk of cross-contamination and does not contain added flour).

Of course, people who prefer a sweeter taste can add some type of sweetener. While it is better to get the palate accustomed to the original taste of the fruit, there is always the option of adding a little cinnamon or vanilla to enhance the flavor.

Option 2: flan with persimmon and chocolate with egg

Now let’s see the recipe for the most traditional home made flan with fruit as the main ingredient.

Needed ingredients

  • 500 grams of ripe persimmon.
  • 40 grams of pure cocoa powder.
  • 5 eggs.
  • 150 grams of sugar.
  • 100 grams of sugar for caramel.

Flan with persimmon and chocolate step by step

  1. First, peel and chop the persimmons. Set aside.
  2. Then prepare the caramel. To do this, put sugar in a saucepan with a little water and cook until the color darkens. Pour to the bottom of the mold where you will prepare the flan.
  3. Transfer the sliced ​​fruit to a bowl or blender container and blend it together with the cocoa. The consistency of the mass should be dense and homogeneous.
  4. In another bowl, beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar and combine with the previous mixture. Then pour into the caramel mold.
  5. To prepare the flan, place the pan on a baking sheet or a container of water and bake it in a water bath. It will be ready when the toothpick comes out completely clean after the puncture.
  6. Then remove the flan from the oven and set aside to cool completely. Then put it in the refrigerator for at least two hours. It is recommended to prepare the flan the day before, as it takes on more flavor.
  7. To reduce the sugar content of this recipe, you can prepare it without caramel and, after taking it out of the mold, decorate with chopped nuts on top.
The sweetness of persimmons is the secret of these desserts that can be both healthy and sweet without adding sugar.

The most important information about this recipe

Both versions are relatively easy to prepare in a short time. For this reason, flan with persimmon and chocolate can become a way of everyday delicacy consumed at many times of the day, e.g. for breakfast, afternoon tea or a snack.

However, it is better to prepare the first version for regular consumption, and the second (with added sugar) for special occasions.

When serving flan with persimmon and chocolate, you can decorate it with a cookie or a waffle. Also sprinkle its surface with chopped nuts.

Undoubtedly, this recipe allows you to introduce more fruit and more variety into your diet. The eye-catching color of persimmon reveals a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants and beta-carotene.

On the other hand, chocolate lovers will be able to enjoy a similar taste, although with a slightly more bitter accent, which also takes some getting used to. But this is the best way to take advantage of the beneficial properties of cocoa that have been cherished for centuries by Mexican cultures.

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