Stronger Nails – Conditioner With Garlic And Oil

To strengthen and beautify nails, it is best to use this method every day at night, and additionally take care of a proper diet.
Stronger nails - conditioner with garlic and oil

Nails  are an extremely important element of the appearance – well-groomed prove our class, elegance and style. A perfect manicure is the perfect complement to any styling. However, it cannot be done if the nails  are weakened, brittle, split or have discoloration.

There are many nail conditioners available on the market. However, few of them will be as effective as the homemade and all-natural way that you use the properties of garlic and olive oil.

Constant exposure to toxins or other harmful external factors can significantly weaken the nails and deteriorate their appearance. They then become brittle, lose their healthy color and begin to split. Moreover, it is not just an aesthetic problem. The thinner and weaker the nails, the greater the risk of fungal infection.

Fortunately, the conditioner with the addition of garlic and oil is not only a way to strengthen the condition of your nails, but also to fight harmful microorganisms. Be sure to read on and find out the details.

Nail conditioner with garlic and olive oil

There are many natural ways to strengthen and beautify your nails. But no way applied externally will bring you as many benefits and spectacular effects as conditioner with garlic and olive oil.

Strengthening nails

The conditioner for which you can find the recipe below is one hundred percent natural products with a high content of fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals that will strengthen the structure of the nail and protect it against external factors. Here are the main advantages to keep in mind:

  • Used regularly, this conditioner protects and nourishes the cuticles. This provides long-term protection against bacteria and fungi and the infections they cause.
  • The mixture of oils limits and regenerates cracks, and also stimulates healthy nail growth.
  • Both olive oil and almond oil are a rich source of vitamin E. It is a substance distinguished by its influence on the health of hair and nails, as it stimulates their regeneration.
  • In turn, the sulfur compounds present in garlic strengthen the nails without exposing you to any side effects.

How to prepare this homemade conditioner?

The preparation of this natural homemade nail conditioner is extremely simple and, in addition, very economical – especially if the cost of all ingredients is compared to the average price of commercial products.


All the ingredients you will use are completely natural, so they do not cause any side effects – they do not irritate the skin. Make sure you choose the right products – only extra virgin olive oil will be wholesome, and its refined substitutes will not provide you with the same results.


  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil
  • 1/4 cup of almond oil

What else will you need?

  • glass jar with lid
  • nail polish brush

A method of preparing

  • Peel the garlic cloves and mash them in a mortar or juicer until you get a smooth paste.
  • You can also chop the garlic finely.
  • Place the garlic in a glass dish and add olive oil and oil.
  • Cover the jar and leave it in a dark and cool place for 2-3 days.
  • After this time, the conditioner is ready and you can strain the obtained oil from the garlic particles.

Application method

  • Wash your hands and clean the nail plate. There should be no remnants of varnish, conditioners or moisturizing cream on it.
  • Dip the brush in the conditioner and thoroughly coat the nails and cuticles with it.
  • Leave the product to absorb. Do not rinse.
  • It is best to use this method before going to bed. Thanks to this, you will avoid the unpleasant smell of garlic accompanying you during the day.
  • Use daily until your nails become noticeably stronger.

What should you remember?

Remember that if you want good results, you must use this conditioner every day as a permanent part of your beauty routine. Already after the first application, you will notice that the cuticles become better moisturized and the nails look prettier.

Well-groomed hands

With each subsequent use, they will also become noticeably stronger.

The active ingredients present in this home remedy have a slightly different effect on each person, so it is worth enriching your diet with products rich in proteins, fatty acids, water and antioxidants, which will allow you to achieve the full effect of strong and beautiful nails.

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