Tips To Easily Reduce Your Daily Calories

Insufficient amount of night rest contributes to an increase in the secretion of the hormone, which not only stimulates the appetite, but – even worse – stops the signal that the stomach is full from being sent to the brain.
How to reduce caloric intake and lose weight?

It is no secret that the factors contributing to weight gain are: calories, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. If you want to maintain a proper weight and feel healthy, it is imperative to limit the amount of calories consumed daily . No weight loss program will be successful if you do not control your body’s calories each day. Find out what is the caloric requirement of a person your age with a certain activity during the day. If you provide much more energy than you can burn, the excess energy is deposited in the form of rolls of fat and you put on weight as a result. Nutrition experts believe that in order to lose weight, you need to lower your daily caloric intake by 500. However, it is not just about cutting down on food, but also about combining a proper diet with exercise.

Ways to reduce your daily caloric intake

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Take care of a healthy sleep

Although it is hard to believe, weight loss is related to the number of hours you sleep a night. Insufficient amount of night rest contributes to an increase in the secretion of the hormone, which not only stimulates the appetite, but – even worse – stops the signal that the stomach is full from being sent to the brain. Remember that the more you sleep, the less time you have to think about food. However, this is not the only advantage of getting a good night’s sleep. Good sleep can also recover the energy needed for the next day, strengthens immunity, improves mood, helps to relieve tension and stress, etc... To get the most out of your rest, try to get up and go to sleep at the same time each time.

Drink a lot of water

Although many diets for weight loss are not limited to fluid consumption, drinking at least 3 liters of water a day is essential for the proper metabolism of fats (for gradual destruction of fats). Additionally, drinking water helps to reduce your appetite. Of course, this does not mean that you should only consume water to cheat your hunger, but before you reach for chocolate or crisps, think about whether a glass of water will be better. It helps flush toxins out of the body and prevents constipation. What’s more, water also has a great influence on the condition of the skin. If you drink a glass of cold water 15 minutes before a meal, you will consume significantly fewer calories than normal.

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Limit your sugar intake

Sugar, present in most processed and prepared foods, is unhealthy for our body. It only provides him with empty calories. So try to reduce or completely eliminate it from your diet. You will see that you will be proud of your decision – your skin will glow and your teeth will be much healthier. Remember that each tablespoon of white refined sugar equals 20 calories and increases the level of insulin – a hormone that promotes the accumulation of fat.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Enriching the daily diet with vegetables and fruits will undoubtedly bring many benefits to our health. Nutritionists recommend eating 5 of them a day. They are low in calories and suppress the appetite for unhealthy snacks. For example, if you work in an office, swap a cream or chocolate cookie for an apple or a pear. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and other valuable elements. In most cases, they do not contain more than 100 calories.

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Exercise regularly

Physical exercise should be an inseparable element of slimming diets, because they allow you to burn the calories absorbed during lunch – by keeping the body in motion, we burn the surplus of energy supplied. Remember that you do not have to become a gym fanatic – nothing prevents you from vigorous walking, jogging, running, cycling or walking the dog as a form of your activity. To make the results of your exercise visible (and not to be disappointed that so much effort was wasted), exercise at least 30 minutes a day, alternating your exercises to get all your muscles moving and keep your body fit.

Choose low-fat foods

On a daily basis, choose skimmed dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, etc.), lean meat (turkey, skinless chicken, beef tenderloin, etc.), lean ham, poultry meats, vegetable broths. Try to replace meat and eggs with fish (at least three times a week).

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Consume sauces in moderation

The most recommended addition to salads is olive oil, followed by sunflower and corn oil. However, use them in moderation – although they are healthy, they are high in calories. When it comes to sauces, choose low-fat ones, for example tomato or pepper, replace mayonnaise with natural yoghurt, use natural vegetable sauces. If you prepare them yourself, pay attention to the amount of oil you add to them.

Prepare your meals properly

There are many ways to prepare lunch or dinner. One of them is the use of low-fat products and the removal of fatty parts of meat. You can fry poultry, fish and some vegetables in the grill pan. Both vegetables and fish are suitable for baking in the sleeve. Just remember to season them properly and wrap them carefully in foil. In turn, stewing is an excellent form of preparing vegetables. And the healthiest of all cooking methods is steaming. It is only up to you which one you choose!

Only fry occasionally

Once a week, you can easily indulge in the whim of fried food. If you are making breadcrumbs, remember to add a tablespoon of water for each egg – this way you will use less fat. Be sure to remove excess fat with kitchen paper, and in the case of stewed or baked dishes, always remove the skin from the meat and any visible fat fragments before cooking.

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