The Alkaline Diet: Here’s What You Need To Know About It

The alkaline diet is based on the basic principle that diseases develop primarily in an acidic environment (that is, with a low pH). Therefore, in order to effectively prevent them, you should “alkalize” your body – that is, increase its alkalinity.
The alkaline diet: here's what you need to know about it

The alkaline diet has been extremely popular in recent years, it has even become a fashion. But what is the truth about this diet? Is it something you can trust?

The controversy surrounding these nutritional rules is growing like mushrooms after it rains. Some attribute almost magical properties to them, such as the ability to heal numerous diseases, including cancer. However, the issue is not entirely clear.

Therefore, in our today’s article, we will explain everything you need to know about what characterizes an alkaline diet and whether it is worth taking a closer look at it. We invite you to read!

What is an alkaline diet anyway?

The alkaline diet is also known as the “alkaline diet”. Generally speaking, it is based on the basic principle that diseases develop primarily in an acidic environment (that is, with a low pH). Therefore, in order to effectively prevent them, you should “alkalize” your body – that is, increase its alkalinity.

An alkaline diet assumes that the pH of the food you eat affects your health. To understand this principle, you must first understand how your body’s pH works. The pH scale is the activity level of hydronium ions and we measure it in the range from 0 to 14. It is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a given substance or solution.

The pH scale and the alkaline diet
  • A score of 0 to 7 is acidic.
  • 7 is a neutral reaction.
  • A score of 7 to 14 is alkaline or alkaline.

The alkaline diet is based on the theory that diseases develop in an acidic environment (that is, at a low pH) and to prevent them, you must “alkalize” your body or increase its pH. She says you can do this by eating the food you eat every day.

How does the alkaline diet work?

The hypothesis behind the main assumptions of this diet is that the way you eat affects the pH of your body fluids. In other words, it changes the acidity or alkalinity of your blood, urine, and all your body fluids.

As some physiologists who promote this particular diet explain, a slightly alkaline environment can be beneficial to our body. However, the scientific literature states that this is not possible.

An article published in Osteoporosis International explains that the acid-base balance of blood cannot be altered – it is essentially completely the same under all circumstances.

Based on its assumptions, the alkaline diet excludes all kinds of acidifying foods, such as, for example, dairy, meat, poultry, fish, eggs and grains. Basically, it is a food that produces “acid waste” according to the rules of the diet. We can eat fruits and vegetables through obstacles, except for berries and plums.

What do scientists say about this diet?

It’s time to take a look at the opinion the scientific world has about the alkaline diet. Here are the main points at a glance:

1. Relationship with cancer

According to advocates of this type of diet, it can help prevent cancer. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Despite the extensive promotion of the alkaline diet, there is only one result (observational only) of a possible relationship with cancer prevention and treatment explored.

Cancer cells

However, this experiment found no link between this type of diet and cancer susceptibility. Given the lack of research to support or reject the idea of ​​an alkaline diet, we must conclude that it lacks a scientific basis. In this context, the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) does not recommend an alkaline diet.

2. Relation to osteoporosis and bone health

An alkaline diet also promises important bone health benefits. According to the theory advocated by supporters of this diet, in order to reduce the acidity of the blood (which, as we have already seen, is not possible), the body uses calcium from the bones.

Healthy eating

And that would mean that acidic eating is associated with less calcium in the bones and greater susceptibility to osteoporosis.

However, in a study published in 2009, researchers concluded that while consuming more protein increased calcium excretion, it did not come from the bones as there was no change in the body’s overall calcium balance. For this reason, following an acidic diet is not conducive to lowering bone density.

An alkaline diet does not improve health

According to research, an alkaline diet can actually pose a health risk and its effectiveness is not supported by scientifically proven facts. Your body is extremely efficient at regulating blood pH because otherwise you would have serious problems with your health and overall functioning.

This is why you cannot change the pH of your blood through an alkaline diet, although you can change the acidity of your urine in this way.

The alkaline diet, while it promotes the consumption of certain beneficial foods, such as vegetables and fruits, does not have any scientific evidence to support its claims.
Certain food groups in this type of diet also offer many benefits. Therefore, they should not be excluded from your daily diet.

Finally, remember that when dealing with this type of wonder diet, you should always remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

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