Fabric Bleach – 100% Natural

Homemade fabric bleach is as effective as the one on store shelves, and its great advantage is that it does not contain harmful substances, is easy to prepare and much cheaper than commercial ones.
Fabric bleach - 100% natural

Each of us certainly has white clothes in our wardrobe, which are part of our work attire or we just like them because they go well with other items of clothing. However, as time goes on, white fabrics turn gray and to restore their color, bleach must be applied .

In addition to the loss of whiteness, yellowish patches often appear, mainly in the armpits, caused by daily sweating. Usually, however, we do not know how to care for white fabrics with each wash so that they do not lose their beautiful color.

It is good to know that commercial bleach is not the best solution at all, as it contains many chemical ingredients that aggressively affect the fabric fibers. Learn with us a few home ways to keep your favorite clothes white.

Here are 7 simple recipes for making homemade fabric bleach that is 100% natural, cheap and effective.

Homemade fabric bleach

Detergent, lemon and salt

Detergent, lemon and salt

The bleach below is great for yellowed stains in the armpits and around the neck.


  • ¼ cup of detergent (62 g)
  • 2 liters of water
  • The juice of 3 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (10 g)

Application method

  • Boil two liters of water, then add ¼ cup of detergent, juice of 3 lemons and salt.
  • Dip the fabric in the resulting solution and leave it for about 40 minutes.
  • After this time, rinse thoroughly and put out in the sun to dry.

Detergent and hydrogen peroxide

This simple natural bleach is recommended to refresh the whiteness of woolen garments and other delicate fabrics. Remember that the detergent should be of good quality so as not to damage the fibers.


  • ¼ cup of detergent for washing delicate fabrics (62 g)
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide (62 ml)

Application method

  • Dissolve the detergent in 2 liters of water and then add hydrogen peroxide.
  • Immerse the fabric for about 30 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly and hang it to dry.

Raw milk – the perfect bleach

Raw milk

Raw milk is perfect for bleaching bed linen and tablecloths. In addition, this natural product softens the fibers, making the fabrics pleasantly soft and at the same time perfectly clean, as the active particles penetrate deep into the fibers and thoroughly remove dirt.


  • Raw milk

Application method

  • Dip the white fabrics in a bowl of raw milk and let it sit for an hour or two.
  • Then wash the fabrics as usual. If necessary, re-dip them in the milk.

White vinegar

White vinegar is perfect as a bleach – it not only effectively refreshes whiteness and removes difficult stains, but also softens fabric fibers, thanks to which it can successfully replace commercial fabric softeners.


  • ½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 liter of water

Application method

  • Dissolve the vinegar in a liter of water, and then soak the dirty cloths in the solution for about 40 minutes.
  • For yellowed underarm stains, we recommend applying vinegar directly and then rubbing it with a little soap or detergent.

Baking soda with lemon

Soda cleaning and cleaning

Baking soda in combination with lemon juice is a reliable bleach for yellowed underarm stains. The paste made from these two products refreshes the whiteness and makes white fabrics look new again.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • ½ lemon

Application method

  • Spread baking soda over the entire surface of the yellowed stain, then rub in with half a lemon, squeezing it to release the juice.
  • Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water.

Lemon slices

Who Said Bleach Must Be White? Yellow lemon and its sour juice perfectly refresh the white by a few tones.


  • 2 lemons
  • 1 liter of water

Application method

  • Slice the lemons and add them to a liter of boiling water.
  • Dip in the solution of the fabrics you want to bleach and leave for 40 minutes.
  • After this time, wash the fabrics as normal in the washing machine.

Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia

This method is slightly more aggressive than the previous ones, and although it is very effective, we recommend using rubber gloves when using it.


  • 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide (62 ml)
  • 4 drops of ammonia
  • 1 liter of water

Application method

  • Pour a liter of water into the vessel and add hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  • Soak the fabric for about 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Try to avoid using this method on delicate fabrics.

If you’ve used commercial bleach for your favorite fabrics so far, we strongly encourage you to try a natural alternative. See for yourself that the results are perfect and your favorite white clothes will look like new for longer.

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