14-day Detoxification And Cleansing Plan

Detox - we cleanse the body in 14 days

A 14-day  detox  absolutely doesn’t mean you have to change your routine. It is enough to eliminate from it everything that does not serve you. You need to choose a strategy that will allow you to get rid of toxins from your body.

Such a two-week detox brings great health benefits. Today we will tell you how the whole process works.

What is detox for?

It is not something necessary, but it has a positive effect on our body. Every day we are exposed to toxins, mainly contained in food, as well as negative emotions, bad habits and polluted air.

If we absorb all these toxins for a certain period of time, most likely – sooner or later – they will become the cause of many health ailments. Thanks to a cleansing diet, you will be able to eliminate free radicals that can lead to serious diseases.

By the way, you will improve the functioning of the entire body.

How to start such a diet?

Before you begin your detox, there are some important things you should consider. Speech, for example, about rest, which is of paramount importance. Also, remember about proteins and vitamins in your daily meals.

During the entire process, you must first of all give up gluten, grains, dairy products, and sugars. On the other hand, increasing the amount of raw fruits and vegetables, wholemeal rice, dried fruit, sea salt and olive oil will help.

Take care of the variety of the meal. As? Search for as many recipes as you can and fill the fridge. When it comes to drinks, detox is incompatible with coffee, milk, sugary drinks and alcohol. Therefore, it will require some changes.

Forget about isotonic mixes and sweet juices too. Green tea, natural juices and smoothies are the best alternatives.

Natural cocktails for cleansing the body

A separate paragraph belongs to the water. Many people underestimate its value and do not drink enough. A detox requires you to drink a minimum of 3 liters a day. In addition, each morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of lukewarm water with the juice of half a lemon. In this way, you will support the work of the liver and kidneys.

Another important issue is the intestines. The right amount of fiber is essential. You will find it in wholemeal bread, oat products, wholemeal rice, nuts and raisins, etc.

You may have headaches for the first few days, be particularly tired, flu, diarrhea, skin blemishes or gastrointestinal discomfort. Don’t be scared! The symptoms are mild.

They are caused by the fact that your body has begun to eliminate all that is negative. Therefore, you can consider it a favorable symptom. You have to endure it. At the end of the day, and after 48 hours at the latest, you’ll feel like new.

You will probably lose 2-3 kilograms too. It is primarily the excess water that has been accumulated in your intestines.

Detox and food products

In addition to the above-mentioned tips, you need to include foods with specific laxative properties in your diet. Belong to them:

Pepper (cress)

It is a great source of vitamin C and E, beta-carotenes and minerals. It works great on the liver and kidneys.

Fresh watercress

Wholemeal bread

It works like a sponge that absorbs and eliminates toxins accumulated in the intestines. It will allow you to expel food debris and improve the health of your skin.


The fiber contained in these fruits soothes gastric discomfort. A glass of natural apple juice a day will help you eliminate toxins and reduce cholesterol. You can also eat raw apples as many times a day as you like.


They contain high amounts of antioxidants such as bioflavonoids. They are able to protect cells and stimulate the detox of the body.

Red grapes


It is a source of vitamin C, calcium, iron and antioxidants. It makes our kidneys better able to filter the toxic substances accumulated in the blood.


Fights uric acid and metabolic debris. In addition, it cleans the liver and urinary tract.


It helps to excrete uric acid, supports fat burning and is alkaline in the blood, thus preventing many diseases.


They are great for the gallbladder and regulate blood pressure. What’s more,  thanks to the content of vitamin C and potassium, they help to eliminate excess fluid and toxins. That is why it is worth reaching for them.

Wholemeal rice

One of its ingredients is phytin – a substance that makes detox much faster and more effective.

Wholemeal rice

Detox with fruits and vegetables – examples

On the respiratory system

Prepare a juice from the following ingredients:

  • 300 g of pears.
  • 400 g of melon.
  • 300 g of cucumbers.

For the circulatory system and kidneys

Prepare the following cocktail:

  • 400 g of celery.
  • 100 g of parsley.
  • 500 g of pineapple.

For the heart and nervous system

We prepare the juice from:

  • 400 g of mango.
  • 200 g of celery.
  • 400 g of cucumbers.

For the digestive system, intestines and liver

We mix:

  • 400 g of plums.
  • 300 g of papaya.
  • 300 g of carrots.

For the central nervous system

We prepare a cocktail with:

  • 300 g of lettuce.
  • 400 g of grapes.
  • 300 g of celery.

For the health of our skin

The recipe consists of:

  • 400 g of watermelon.
  • 400 g of apples.
  • 200 g of pineapple.

Be sure to try our detox methods. Thanks to them, you will soon regain your vitality.

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