Learn How To Use Maca Root To Control Menopausal Symptoms

This Andean plant has many benefits for women, but is also widely used by athletes. For centuries it has been used as food, animal feed, and medicine, and yet we know so little about it. Time to change that. 
Maca root - a way to control menopausal symptoms

The maca root was unknown in our culture for many years. It is a pity, because it has been used by the Incas for centuries, who used it in various health-promoting ways.

Fortunately, it is now having a renaissance. It is extremely important in the diet of women who are struggling with premenopause or menopause. Find out why you should include this plant in your diet.

The most important thing is that women and men can equally enjoy the benefits of matzo. It has enough nutrients for all of us.

What is maca root?

The maca root is a plant, actually a bulbous part of a plant native to the Andes. Also known as Peruvian maca or Peruvian ginseng. You can also meet this plant under the name of peppergrass.

The inhabitants of the local regions have used it in natural medicine for centuries. Its properties allow it to be treated as an important element of alternative medicine also today.

This plant is related to cabbage and turnips. It was cultivated by the Incas as early as 2,000 years ago, because it grows well on poor and rocky ground.

Interestingly, it plays a very important role in the lives of athletes. It improves their performance and adds energy, and additionally supports the immune system. Provides the body with easily digestible nutrients.

How is maca root eaten?

There are two main ways to ingest this plant: in powder or pill form. Regardless of the preferred form of consumption – it provides the same amount of benefits for our health. However, the dose should be adjusted to the intensity of your discomfort. 

It is said that taking powdered maca is the better solution because you can control the amount you take more precisely. Also, remember to start with small doses. The body has to get used to the energizer present in the matzo.

Maca root and 5 remedies for distressing menopausal symptoms

However, the doses may vary depending on the age, health and general characteristics of the individuals concerned. Here are some ways to prepare maca-based remedies. All of the measures listed below will help you minimize the symptoms of menopause.

1. Maca root cocktail

Due to its sufficient nutrient and phytochemical content, maca root can be used as an ingredient in natural drinks. Some people add pieces of fruit to the cocktail to add variety to it.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried maca root (15 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • ⅔ glass of selected fruit (100 g)

What should i do?

  • You just need to dissolve the powdered maca root in cold water.
  • Stir and if you like – add fruit.
  • Let the mixture cool in the fridge.

2. Maca root and tea

Maca root infusion significantly increases energy in women struggling with menopause. It can even ease extreme fatigue and adrenal fatigue.


Interestingly, the maca root is an adaptogen: it means that it increases the body’s resistance to mental and physical exertion and helps to cope with stress.


  • 3 tablespoons of ground maca root (45 g)
  • ½ glass of water (125 ml)

What should i do?

  • Add the matzo to the heated water. 
  • Leave for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  • Set aside and add a little honey if needed.

3. Whipped cream with maca

It is hard to believe, but there is a chocolate version of the maca root on the market. Most importantly, it exhibits all the same nutritional properties , except that it is more affordable for sweets gourmets.

As you can see, you can even treat yourself with desserts. After a hard day during the menopause, relax and sit down to a delicious dessert with matzah and whipped cream.


  • ½ cup of whipped cream (125 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of chocolate maca (45 g)
  • Any amount of biscuits

What should i do?

  • Mix the whipped cream with the powdered chocolate maca.
  • When the cream gets a chocolate color – stop whipping and add cookies.
  • You can serve yourself this dessert once a week.

4. Maca root soups

In Europe, maca powder is quite expensive, so most of us treat it more like a dietary supplement than a permanent addition to dishes. However, if you do come into possession of it, consider making a tasty soup.

By adding maca to your soup, you naturally increase the nutritional value of this meal. It’s a great way to non-invasively relieve distressing menopausal symptoms. 


  • 1 kg of vegetables (favorites)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • Aromatic spices
  • 1 tablespoon of maca root (15 g)

What should i do?

  • Prepare a simple vegetable soup in the traditional way you know, with whatever ingredients and spices you see fit.
  • Then add a tablespoon of maca powder. 
  • Make sure everything is well integrated so that the tastes pass each other.

5. Maca root and drinks

Adding the powdered form of maca root does not cause any problems, therefore it is so functional to implement it in any drinks we consume. Even for the daily dose of mineral water.

maca root

This allows you to increase the level of fatty acids and minerals in the body. One of the more interesting interpretations is the carrot drink with maca. We have good news, maca root is an aphrodisiac – it improves libido and increases blood supply to the genitals. Here is the recipe for the aforementioned carrot smoothie.


  • ½ cup of carrots (70 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 ½ tablespoon of dried maca root (22 g)
  • Sugar (to taste)

What should i do?

  • Blend the carrots with water and add sugar to taste.
  • The next step is to add the maca root and blend the cocktail again. 
  • It is recommended to consume the carrot drink twice a day.

Maca acts as an adaptogen that helps to reduce hormones, so it is most often recommended to eat the root for women. However, these are not the only properties and advantages of this plant. It minimizes the risk of memory loss and osteoporosis, removes free radicals and reduces their harmful effects, including oxidative stress, and supports our immune system.

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