Filling Cocktail – Pear, Chia Seeds And Porridge

A filling smoothie made of pear, chia seeds and oatmeal is not only nutritious but also improves intestinal peristalsis. In addition, this unusual drink removes toxins from the body and helps to lose weight. 
A filling smoothie - pear, chia seeds and porridge

If you are on a slimming diet, you are definitely looking for dishes and drinks that will not only help your diet, but will also be tasty. We have a filling cocktail for you  that is very nutritious, will satisfy your appetite for a long time and help you lose weight. In addition, it works very well on the intestines, liver and kidneys, thanks to which it helps to fight excess weight in a healthy way. We invite you to try our perfect cocktail recipe!

A filling cocktail to lose weight

Are you looking for a way to lose weight? Do you want to improve your menu and get rid of the feeling of hunger? To achieve this, you need to introduce nutritious and nutritious foods into your diet. This way you will avoid the temptation to snack between meals.

Such meals are certainly cocktails, which, thanks to the possibility of mixing ingredients, are sweet and give a feeling of satiety.

A filling cocktail good for slimming


Pear is a tasty, refreshing and easily digestible fruit that gives energy and vitality.

The carbohydrates in the pear are digested slowly. The fiber content in the pear improves the functioning of the intestines, while  potassium and arbutin have diuretic properties, so they help to get rid of excess water in the body. In addition, the sweet taste of this fruit makes sweets less popular.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are a real miracle of nature. These tiny greyish grains are a remedy for intestinal problems and a great ally in the fight against excess weight. After soaking the chia seeds, a so-called vegetable glue is formed, which regulates the work of the intestines and removes toxins.

Chia seeds are also high in antioxidants, fiber, fatty acids, and minerals like calcium. In addition, they perfectly satiate and support the functioning of the liver.

filling chia seed pudding


Oats are one of the grains that you can eat without fear of gaining weight. All thanks to the high content of nutrients and fiber. In addition, oats give you a feeling of fullness, lots of energy, calms the nervous system and helps control excessive hunger.

Oatmeal is an ideal solution, above all, for people with a very high appetite and the problem of controlling the amount of eaten meals.

oatmeal a filling meal supporting weight loss

A filling cocktail – how to prepare?


  • 2 ripe pears
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (14 grams)
  • 3 tablespoons of oats (30 grams)
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • optional sweetener

If you have organic pears, eat them with the skin on, as the skin is also high in fiber.

A method of preparing

  • Pour water over the chia seeds and oatmeal. Cover and leave overnight.
  • By morning, the water should seep in, and the mixture should become thick and jelly-like.
  • Add chopped pear and sweetener.
  • Stir until the mass is homogeneous.

How and when to drink a cocktail?

The best time of the day to enjoy a filling smoothie is in the morning, such as during breakfast. The natural sugars it contains will help you survive several hours and get rid of the craving for unhealthy snacks. Oatmeal and chia seeds will also help to improve digestion.

A filling smoothie can be drunk daily for a month. It’s best to take a break afterwards. The body will let you know when it needs it again.

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