How Much Meat Can You Eat Per Week?

Red meat should be included in a balanced diet. However, the amount of meat should be moderate. Find out about the latest consumption recommendations.
How much meat can you eat per week?

One of the most discussed dietary questions is the  amount of meat that can be eaten per week.

In recent years, vegan trends have become popular, claiming that the elimination of animal products from the diet is good for health.

However, science does not confirm this thesis. The consumption of meat provides the body with wholesome protein and all the necessary micronutrients. One of the basic features of a healthy diet is variety and the right proportion of nutrients.

Eating meat daily is not recommended. It is also worth  eating eggs and fish.

White meat serves health more than red meat

Scientific evidence confirms that consuming processed red meat increases the risk of developing certain diseases.

Eating red meat increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease,  according to an article in  The British Journal of Nutrition. However, there is no hard evidence for this – it would need to be explored more thoroughly.

Therefore, it is better to replace any amount of red meat with white. You can eat them 3-4 times a week, leaving the red ones for 1 or 2 days.

It is better to limit the amount of red meat in the diet in favor of white meat, which is a source of wholesome protein.

Choose fish instead of meat

In recent years, it has been found that reducing meat consumption in favor of fish is a healthy habit.

Fatty fish contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids. Regular consumption of these acids reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a 2018 study. 

What’s more, the protein of fish meat is very valuable – it is identical to that present in meat. That is why sea fruit is a source of wholesome protein. They also contain B vitamins and various minerals.

Accordingly, the latest dietary recommendations are aimed at increasing the consumption of fish. It is best to eat lean fish 3 times and fatty fish 2 times a week.

It is worth choosing small fish (e.g. sardines) as they contain less heavy metals in adipose tissue.

Eliminate processed meat from your diet

While there is no hard evidence that eating meat as such increases your risk of developing certain diseases, processed meat is actually unhealthy.

Therefore,  you should limit the consumption of this type of products, including purchased burgers. This type of food lacks many nutrients, and its consumption does more harm than good.

Processed red meat has more disadvantages than advantages.  It is better to limit its amount in the diet.

The right amount of meat is part of a healthy diet

Science confirms that meat is part of a healthy diet. Provides nutrients such as protein, zinc and B vitamins, important for energy metabolism and the prevention of anemia.

Either way, it is recommended to eat more white meat than red meat. Recently, the consumption of fish instead of meat has been  promoted.

Seafood contains wholesome protein and anti-inflammatory fatty acids that prevent various diseases.

Combine a balanced diet with regular exercise. In this way, you will take care of the health and efficiency of the physiological processes taking place in your body.

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