Athlete’s Foot – 7 Natural Treatments

Athlete’s foot, also known as athlete’s foot, is a fungal infection of the skin of the feet.
Athlete's foot - 7 natural treatments

Athlete’s foot is the common name used to describe a fungal infection of the skin on the feet. As you know, fungi thrive best in a warm and humid environment, so it is worth considering how to avoid this and, if necessary, how to effectively deal with this problem. Athlete’s foot is a condition that can be remedied.

Where does athlete’s foot come from?

Here are the most common causes of the so-called athlete’s foot:

  • Excessive sweating of the feet.
  • Wearing little breathable shoes.
  • Inaccurate drying of the feet after bathing.
  • Slight damage to the skin on the feet.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Badly chosen socks or shoes in which the foot cannot breathe.

When we start to suspect this type of infection, it is worth taking measures as soon as possible to deal with it quickly and at the same time avoid its spread.

How is athlete’s foot manifested?

Here are the most common symptoms of this fungal infection:

  • bad foot odor
  • pain when stretching the fingers
  • corns filled with pus or fluid
  • dry skin
  • burning or itching of the skin

To deal with athlete’s foot and its accompanying symptoms, you can take advantage of the properties of natural products that we describe below. Remember, however, that it is also okay to ask for help from a specialist, for example a podiatrist.

Natural treatment for athlete’s foot

1. Vinegar

In treating fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, it is worth taking advantage of the properties of products such as vinegar. The acids present in it will perfectly prevent the spread and multiplication of fungi, and also eliminate excessive humidity.

Foot bath

What will you need?

  • 1 and 1/2 cups of vinegar (375 ml)
  • 3 glasses of water

What should i do?

  • Add vinegar to a bowl of warm water.
  • Soak your feet for 15 minutes.
  • Dry your feet thoroughly.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day.

2. Salt

Salt perfectly absorbs moisture, so it is a great product for fighting fungi. In the case of mycosis of the feet, it is worth using it to prepare a mouth rinse.

What will you need?

  • 6 tablespoons of salt (60 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)

What should i do?

  • Add salt to a bowl of warm water.
  • Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes.
  • Thoroughly dry the skin of the feet.
  • Repeat daily for 15 days.

3. Baking soda

Baking soda is an ideal remedy for mycosis. In this case, it is worth preparing a healing paste with its use.

Bath with soda for feet

What will you need?

  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
  • water (at your discretion)

A method of preparing

  • Mix baking soda with water.
  • Adjust the amount of water to obtain a thick paste.
  • Rub the resulting paste into the affected skin.
  • Leave overnight, wash and dry your feet in the morning.

4. Onion juice

Onion has strong disinfecting properties and is a natural antibiotic. You can use it to heal an athlete’s foot and other types of fungal infections.

What will you need?

  • 1 or 2 onions

What should i do?

  • Chop the onion finely.
  • Blend until you get juice.
  • Use a cotton ball and apply the onion juice directly to the skin, previously cleansed with an antifungal product.
  • Rinse off the onion juice and sprinkle talcum powder on the skin to absorb excess moisture.

5. Tea

Tea contains substances with a tonic effect that perfectly fight bacteria and fungi. To use them, you need to prepare a foot bath with tea.

Needed ingredients

  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 6 teaspoons (60 g) of tea or 6 tea bags

What should i do?

  • Bring the water to a boil, add the tea and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  • After this time, turn off the burner and set aside to cool.
  • When the water is at room temperature, strain the infusion and soak your feet in it.
  • Repeat daily for a month.

6. Natural yoghurt

Natural yogurt has many health benefits, one of which is the bacteria that can stop the fungus from spreading on your body surface. Make sure to choose 100% organic yoghurt with no additives that actually contain healthy bacteria cultures.

How to use yogurt?

  • Apply yogurt directly to the skin of the feet.
  • Allow the yoghurt to dry.
  • Gently cleanse the skin with a clean cloth.
  • Dry your feet thoroughly.

Prevention is proper hygiene

The key to preventing fungal and bacterial infections, such as athlete’s foot, is proper hygiene and habits that can protect us from contamination. Remember the points below and your feet will be safe for sure.

Foot deodorant
  • Always wear clean and dry socks.
  • Always wash and dry your feet thoroughly, especially the area between the toes.
  • In addition, wear flip-flops at the pool or gym.
  • Use talcum powder or any other anti-fungal powder that absorbs excess moisture and disinfects the skin.
  • Choose footwear made of natural materials such as leather. 
  • Change your shoes!

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