Cystic Acne: An Aggressive Form Of Acne

Cystic acne: an aggressive form of acne

Cystic acne is an extremely aggressive type of acne. It mainly appears on the face in the form of unsightly lumps. Find out what causes it and how you can fight it.

Cystic acne is the most aggressive type of acne . With this disorder, some people struggle with more severe symptoms than others. However, acne itself is quite common. It is estimated to affect about 80 percent of the population between the ages of 11 and 30.

It is recognized that acne is mainly an affliction of young people. Indeed, while it is more common in people under the age of 30, most cases occur in people in their 20s. There are several types of acne, one of which is cystic acne.

Cystic acne is an aggressive form of acne in which lesions are more visible than with the typical acne variant. If you have inflamed lumps on your skin instead of blackheads, you may be suffering from cystic acne.

Moreover, such lumps are painful and the inflammation makes them red in color.

It is known that cystic acne usually appears on the face. It makes your complexion look unpleasant, which can also affect your mental state. This type of acne, unlike the standard acne, can even leave scars.

Traces of it are visible long after the inflamed skin lesions have disappeared.

Although cystic acne usually appears on the face, it can affect other parts of the body as well. This happens less often, but can also occur on the chest. It appears even more rarely on the upper limbs.

Cystic acne, which is the most aggressive type of acne

Cystic acne - the most aggressive type of acne
Cystic acne is most common in men. This type of acne is more aggressive and leaves scars on the skin.

Cystic acne occurs due to the same mechanisms as typical acne. In other words, your sebaceous glands get blocked and can’t get rid of what’s in them.

The sebaceous glands lubricate your skin by producing an oily substance called sebum. As a result, your skin remains moisturized.

However, if the glands that secrete sebum become blocked, bacteria start to build up on the outside of the gland. The type of bacteria that populate the pores determines the severity of cystic acne.

This means that inflammation occurs as a result of the activity of microorganisms. The occurrence of cystic acne is also linked to hormones. It turns out that testosterone plays an important role in its development. This is why this type of acne affects men more than women.

In women, the development of cystic acne is influenced by the menstrual cycle. For this reason  , women with polycystic ovary syndrome may be more likely to develop it.

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are more likely to develop obesity. Obese people have more body fat which can convert female hormones into testosterone.

Thus, an increase in testosterone levels in such women may explain why they are more predisposed to developing cystic acne.

Degrees and levels of development

Acne on the cheek
Cystic acne most often appears on the face. However, in some patients, it also occurs in other parts of the body.

Cystic acne doesn’t always take the same forms. People who struggle with it may experience three stages of its development:

  • Mild: The patient has up to five inflamed lumps on the patient’s skin. It can also have up to five pimples. It’s still an aggressive type of acne. However, the doctor can control it without any problems. Usually, they will simply prescribe an ointment and give advice on proper skin care.
  • Moderate: The patient has more than ten pus-filled skin lesions, but less than 20. This type of acne requires the use of oral medications. There is also a high risk of scarring.
  • Severe: This is the most aggressive type of cystic acne. There are over 20 lesions on the patient’s body. These lumps are usually inflamed and exude pus. Besides, they are painful when pressed on. This strain does not respond well to treatment and may require injection of anti-inflammatory drugs. Moreover, if there is a lot of pus, it may need to be removed during surgery.

Treatment of cystic acne, the most aggressive type of acne

Medicines on the palm

In addition to the mild form of acne that can be treated with ointments, other types of acne require oral or injection medications. The doctor will select the appropriate treatment, tailored to the needs of each patient.

The first step in treatment is taking antibiotics. They destroy the bacteria that live in the sebaceous glands. Such therapy may last several months and sometimes even a year.

The second stage of treatment is the administration of spironolactone. This drug is prescribed for women suffering from cystic acne, especially those with polycystic ovary syndrome. Spironolactone works by reducing the production of testosterone by fat cells.

Finally, isotretinoin is the most effective drug that is used only in strictly defined cases. It is used orally. If it works, it will be able to reduce inflammation and unblock clogged sebaceous glands.

However, isotretinoin is problematic because it can cause severe side effects. It can be prescribed by a dermatologist and the patient must have regular check-ups. This is because this medicine can lead to significant fetal defects.

Now you know that if you suffer from cystic acne, you need to see a doctor or dermatologist. He will diagnose your condition and the stage of the disease and select the appropriate treatment. Remember not to self-medicate, as it will only worsen your condition.

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