Cholesterol Lowered Thanks To 5 Healthy Fats

Not all fats are dangerous and harmful to our body. It’s good to know what fats to choose to lower blood cholesterol.
Cholesterol is lowered thanks to 5 healthy fats

Cholesterol  should be kept at an appropriate level so that it does not pose a threat to our health. However, many people mistakenly believe that in order to keep blood cholesterol levels low, you must completely eliminate fats from your diet.

That’s a myth – in fact, there are a whole range of healthy and beneficial fats worth eating to keep your  cholesterol  normal. Be sure to read on and find out about 5 sources of such fats.

When we talk about healthy fats, we mostly mean unsaturated fats. They provide the right dose of nutrients and energy we need for normal functioning. At the same time, however, they do not contribute to increasing the level of triglycerides in the blood.

If you want to eat healthily and consciously, be sure to read the list of sources of healthy fats with which you will be able to supplement your diet.

1. Vegetable fats

Vegetable fats and cholesterol

Of course, this is not the only such product. It is worth reaching for, among others, nuts, soybeans, canola or sesame oil.

2. Fatty acids from fish

This is especially true of fatty acids such as omega-3, the best of which is, of course, alpha-linolenic acid. You will find it in fish, as well as in soy products and sesame. It is a substance that is extremely beneficial for the human body, especially since our body is unable to produce it on its own.

This acid prevents cholesterol from sticking to the walls of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the condition of the heart. Where will you find the most?

  • tuna
  • salmon
  • sardines
  • Herring

Of course, it is best to choose fresh fish, but if you do not have them on hand from time to time, also reach for fish in the can.

3. Cod liver oil

Believe it or not, you can take care of your diet and body shape while increasing and strengthening your muscle mass. Below you will find our key advice that will not only work for athletes.

It turns out that fish oil, i.e. cod liver oil, is an excellent dietary supplement that helps to increase muscle mass. Tran is a relatively popular dietary supplement, rich in omega-3 acid.

Tran and cholesterol

This acid supports protein synthesis, thanks to which it allows you to increase muscle mass. Of course, this is not the only advantage of taking this product regularly.

  • strengthens the immune system
  • supports the fusion of bones
  • has a positive effect on the work of the brain
  • avoids circulatory problems by lowering cholesterol

Both adults and children can use these properties. Be sure to try!

4. Omega-6 fatty acid

You will find omega-6 fatty acid primarily in avocados, although there are of course also animal sources of this substance. Avocados are not only filling but also tasty. In addition, other substances present in this fruit support better absorption of omega-6 fatty acid.

Another vegetable source of this acid are olives – the same olives used to prepare the aforementioned olive oil.

5. Lentils to lower cholesterol

Lentils are a source of essential proteins and are devoid of excess triglycerides. In 100 grams of this product, you will find no more than 0.1 grams of saturated fat, so the bill in favor of lentils is obvious.

Lentils for high cholesterol

This humble legume also has substances that can “collect” and “flush” cholesterol from the body. This has a great effect on the health of the heart and the entire circulatory system. Other products with similar properties are red beans and soybeans.

Is Fat Always Bad?

Of course, these should not be saturated fats, but their healthier counterparts like the ones discussed above. What are the other benefits of consuming healthy fats?

  • They improve our insulin sensitivity.
  • They help to normalize the metabolism.
  • They increase muscle mass.
  • They improve fertility.
  • They optimize the work of the brain.

As you can see, you cannot be indifferent to such a dose of health and benefits for your body and mind.

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