Does Turmeric Fight Cancer? Find Out Something About It!

Due to its bright color and distinctive flavor, turmeric is probably one of the most recognizable spices in the world. But it is also more than just a spice. The results of numerous scientific studies indicate some of its properties that prove to be a powerful weapon in the prevention and fight against cancer.
Does turmeric fight cancer?  Find out something about it!

You certainly know exactly what turmeric looks like . You perfectly associate its light yellow color and intense, characteristic taste that gives this unique aroma to many dishes. However, did you know that turmeric also has the ability to fight various types of cancer?

In our today’s article, we will tell you a little about the extremely interesting research on the various properties of curcumin, a chemical compound to which this spice owes all its unique qualities.

Turmeric, a remedy known since ancient times

Turmeric is obtained from the Curcuma longa plant , native to India. People in this region of the world have been using this spice for hundreds of years to flavor their spices. Now you can find it in virtually all kitchens around the world.

In addition, turmeric is also well known for its healing properties. The results of various scientific studies highlight one particular power of this spice. It is the ability to fight cancer cells.

Turmeric and cancer

However, it also has the ability to protect your liver against many diseases and infections that can negatively affect this most important organ in your body. This is a particularly important feature considering the popular disease of this organ, which is cirrhosis of the liver, mainly associated with alcohol abuse.

The beneficial properties of this spice are due to the high content of antioxidants and compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, for which turmeric is known.

A recent article in the scientific journal Frontier clearly indicates that this spice has many other healing properties as well. It is a powerful antimicrobial, antioxidant, and virus-fighting agent. In addition, it even helps in the treatment of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Curcumin: the power to fight cancer

When added to food consistently, turmeric can effectively help prevent the growth of cancer cells in your body.

One of the things this amazing spice does in your body is preventing chronic inflammation and DNA damage. If that’s not enough for you, you should know that it also reduces potential problems at the cellular level.

Research shows that curcumin largely blocks the development of cancer cells. Nevertheless, scientists still cannot precisely determine the dose that provides these extremely desirable effects.

Some doctors say that it is 3.6 grams a day, which allows the cancer cells to be effectively destroyed in the embryo, disrupting disease processes and preventing the disease from spreading further.

Turmeric powder

According to the latest discoveries of scientists, turmeric also has the unique ability to prevent cancer from invading and spreading cancer cells. In addition, it activates various types of proteins whose task is to naturally block the disease and prevent the formation of new cancer cells.

Therefore, those of us who have already been diagnosed with some form of cancer can feel free to consume turmeric to prevent metastasis and disease progression. Pre-treatment with curcumin improves the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, especially for ovarian or liver tumors.

In one study, a group of patients with advanced-stage pancreatic cancer received 400 mg of curcumin daily in addition to standard hospital treatment. Their tumors shrank significantly compared to the state before the start of therapy, and there was no evidence of toxicity associated with the consumption of this spice.

Of course, one should not jump to too hasty conclusions on this basis, but as you can hear in the sidelines, “something’s up”.

Turmeric and breast cancer

Scientists explain that turmeric has the ability to influence a process called apoptosis. This means that cancer cells spontaneously reduce their number when the environment in which they are located is not ideal for their growth and development.

Turmeric root

The game mechanism that can be controlled in this way by turmeric is quite complex, as it consists of momentary molecular reactions that go far beyond the subject of our blog. However, it can be summarized as follows: “If inflammation is reduced, cancer progression may stop.”

Doctors confirm, however, that turmeric as a spice is extremely valuable as an element of preventive treatment. It is also a great solution for those who have already contracted cancer and are struggling with this disease every day.

This is because turmeric works, to some extent, as a substance that stimulates your body’s protection systems against both the cancer itself and the side effects of treatment for this disease.

How can I take advantage of the benefits of turmeric?

Turmeric can be used in a wide variety of recipes. In most cases, the result of the work will be dishes that are not only very tasty, but also great as home-made, fully natural remedies to minimize the negative effects of cancer.

A few options to consider include:


This is one of the best examples of Indian cuisine that uses turmeric. However, keep in mind that we recommend using basmati or parboiled rice as they are more nutritious and easier to digest.

Basmati rice

Once the rice is cooked, add a teaspoon of turmeric to it. You can also add cilantro and black pepper and then eat the rice with whatever toppings you like.

Chicken eggs

You can try to eat fried eggs. It is worth sprinkling them with a little olive oil, add a pinch of salt, a little pepper and a lot of turmeric.

Legumes such as beans and lentils

The spicy lentil stew is a very popular dish in India. After cooking the lentils, mix them with coconut oil and black pepper. Finally, there is still turmeric left, add as much as you like. This recipe also allows you to use chickpeas or any other legumes.

Teas and infusions

On hot days, turmeric can make an excellent addition to iced tea, which you can then drink to cool down on hot days. Just brew the tea, and once it has cooled down, add honey or lemon juice, turmeric and a few ice cubes. If desired, sprinkle the drink on top with black pepper a little.

Fruit or vegetable smoothie

All you need to prepare such a smoothie is banana, honey and lemon. Turmeric is just a spice added last. Simply blend all ingredients thoroughly and you will instantly get a delicious, nutritious fruit smoothie.

Banana and turmeric smoothie

You can also try adding coconut milk and a little grated ginger to it, as a result of which you will get an extremely healthy drink with a characteristic, unique taste.

Golden milk

This popular drink is made with turmeric and almond oil. Simply combine all these ingredients with milk (if possible, use almond milk as it will give you the best flavor), then add more honey and cinnamon to taste if you like. Drink this drink just before bedtime and you will find that it also helps with muscle and joint pain.

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