Toxic Friends – How To Recognize Them?

Caring for yourself in the first place is not selfishness – it is a safety barrier that makes it easier to protect ourselves from the effects of toxic people on our lives.
Toxic friends - How do you recognize them?

Toxic  friends are one of those things that should never happen to you, but keep your eyes and ears open. Each of us is a social being and relationships with other people are extremely important to us. However, we must not be deceived and become a victim of manipulation.

Friendship is very important and it is worth taking care of it, but it is worth being aware for whom and to what extent it is worth getting involved or even sacrificing. Don’t let  toxic  friends take away your peace and joy in life while setting you up negative about the rest of the world.

Spending time with another person, enjoying your presence, sharing your secrets with one another… These are just some of the qualities of a true friendship. A healthy relationship with another person gives us a whole range of positive emotions and gives us a sense of security.

Unfortunately, not all people around us are good and selfless. It happens that we establish contact with someone who does not want our good and happiness – then we waste our positive energy on being and fighting with someone who gives us nothing in return, except for stress and fear.

These are toxic friends that we should learn to recognize and flee as far as possible. This does not mean that we will become selfish; thanks to this, however, we will take care of our emotional balance and well-being. Below are some of the types that toxic friends fall into.

1. Toxic friends: passive-aggressive type

Toxic people

Passive-aggressive people are never satisfied. They cannot say directly what they do not like, but they make innuendo and develop their intrigues, trying to influence you or someone else’s behavior in your environment.

Overall, they can act really weird and stop talking for no apparent reason. Other people then waste a lot of time and energy trying to figure out where the problem lies. Passive-aggressive toxic friends are people you need to watch out for.

Generally, they get irritated easily, but hard to read. However, it happens that emotions accumulated over a long period of time reach such a point that these people become aggressive and this may have consequences.

2. Competitive type

No matter what you do or what you do, this type has to be better than you. If you tell him that you got a great job offer, he will tell you that he got even better. If you complain that something bad happened to you, he will tell you that something even worse happened to him.

Toxic people who always want to compete with you are just waiting for you to stumble because then they can feel better. They have a habit of criticizing others behind their backs – especially those who have what they lack. They envy others their confidence, a successful love or family life, and would like to destroy it.

3. The dramatizing type

Sad woman

Of course, we are also friends to support the other person and give him or her advice in difficult times. However, if in a given relationship you are doing nothing other than comforting an eternally unhappy friend, something is not working here as it should.

These types of toxic friends treat their relatives only as therapists, although of course they cannot help themselves. They transfer their regrets and fears onto others, but are unable to take constructive criticism or advice personally – they take everything personally and take offense.

On the other hand, they are not interested in the problems of their “friends” – they are so focused on their own that they have no time or willingness to support those who are always there for them. It is very easy to get infected with negative energy from such a person. Do not expose yourself to stress and sadness. There are toxic people among us that we just can’t help.

4. Bitter type

This is another type of person where nothing ever goes the way it should. Such toxic people only see the negative sides of any situation, even when other people objectively evaluate it as positive. They can only complain; most of the time they seem to be offended by the whole world.

In fact, these types of toxic people are primarily people with very low self-esteem. What angers them and what bothers them the most is the fact that others can be happy and enjoy life.

5. Keypad type

Manipulated woman

Do you know why it is not worth being overly nice and submissive? First of all, because these are the most common victims of manipulators. If you always want well for others, avoid confrontation and can’t say “no”, you too can become a victim of a toxic friend.

The manipulator will guide you in such a way as to take away from you and gain yourself something that you envy.

6. The jealous type

Jealous people are another toxic people you need to watch out for. You’ll never hear a kind word from them; they get angry when others get out of something they can’t. The jealous type will never congratulate you on your success, gossip and malice will try to take away the value of your achievements.

Such people are, above all, hypocrites. They hate happy people and spread their negative energy wherever they appear.

Distance yourself!

Are there such toxic people among your friends? If so, try to distance yourself from them as much as possible. Escape their negative impact on your life and well-being.

Learn to say “no” whenever necessary, clearly define boundaries and cut off unpleasant conversations so as not to get overwhelmed by negative emotions. If all of this does not work and the person is unable to change, then apparently you need to walk away without regret and distance yourself from the situation.

Don’t let toxic people take away your happiness. If someone’s presence causes you more pain than happiness, avoid it. You are under no obligation to become a victim.

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