A Cold Foot Bath To Improve Health

It is not necessary to keep your feet in cold water for a long time to get the best benefit. 15 seconds is enough for our immune system to react.
Cold foot bath to improve health

When on cold winter days we come home, cold and tired after a whole day, all we dream about is hot tea and a warm foot bath with the addition of relaxing essential oils.

However, scientific research shows that in order to obtain optimal results and improve the body’s immunity, cold water should be used for foot baths ! Yes, even in winter, when it is snowing outside the window or the temperature drops below 0ºC.

Find out today the benefits of frequent short foot baths in a bowl full of ice water.

Cold foot bath – wonderful benefits

Probably many of us are scared by the thought of immersing our feet in cold water, when it is also cold outside the window. Remember, however, that 15 seconds is enough – this is the optimal time during which you will strengthen your immunity and avoid catching a cold.

This old-as-home way of staying healthy is truly amazing. Learn about its benefits with us today.

Just dip your feet in a bowl filled with cold water.  In summer, of course, it is pure pleasure, and what happens in winter? A little courage and after a few days you will get used to this new, healthy habit.

This technique has been used in natural medicine for a long time and gives really fantastic results. Use it every day and the effects will appear after just 15 days.

How to conduct a cold foot bath?

Pour cold water into a bowl that both your feet can fit into. Then add a few ice cubes to make the water really ice cold. Generally speaking, for 18 ice cubes we should use 2 liters of water.

Put your feet in the water when the ice starts to dissolve and the water level in the bowl rises. Try to hold on for 15 seconds – which will surely seem forever. You will feel very cold at first, but after a few seconds your feet will begin to get used to the ice bath.

Feet in cold water

If you repeat the treatment every day, your feet will no longer react as drastically to temperature changes. After 15 seconds, stretch your feet out, dry them thoroughly, and wrap them with a towel to warm them up again.

Finally, put on your cotton or wool socks (the thickest you have in your drawer) and go to sleep.

Bring this technique into your daily routine for fourteen days in a row. If you are prone to frequent colds, take cold foot baths twice a day – this will improve the functioning of the immune system.

What are cold foot baths for?

As we mentioned before, cold foot baths help to strengthen the body’s immune system. Remember that the body can be “trained” to be always ready to fight attacks from viruses and bacteria. How can this be done? As with vaccines – putting the body to the test.

When our immune system knows how to deal with changes in the temperature of our feet (these are the ones that cool down first when it’s cold outside), it acquires the ability to avoid all kinds of cold-related illnesses.

Foot care

But that’s not all! The technique of immersing the feet in icy water is also invaluable for women who wear high-heeled shoes on a daily basis, spend long hours standing or in uncomfortable shoes, and dream of relief for sore and swollen legs after returning home.

People whose feet often swell or suffer from the problem of retaining excess water in the body tissues will see great results. A cold bath is also an excellent method of supporting the treatment of varicose veins.

What is the effect of cold water on feet?

The explanation for the effects of cold water on feet is very simple: when we get our feet out of the icy water, they need “new, pure” blood to return to normal temperature as quickly as possible.

This body response helps fight inflammation, pain, and other ailments related to blood circulation in the legs.

What’s more, cold water gives vigor to the muscles, making the oxygen reach them faster – so all the cells of the feet work at full capacity.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not cold water or low temperatures that are beneficial to health, but the very process by which our body starts to generate heat again and faces this dangerous situation that could lead to a cold or flu.

Then, the metabolism is activated, organic exchange and the blood circulation, nervous and muscular systems are stimulated.

Not only your feet – soak your whole body in cold water!

Bath in ice water

One of grandma’s ways to combat high fever is to immerse the sick person in a bathtub full of cold water. While some say this is somewhat drastic, this is how body temperature was lowered in the past.

The effect of cold baths on the whole body is the same as with icy foot baths. However, keep in mind that they should be kept short, otherwise it will be difficult for our body to return to normal temperature, which could result in a cold or flu.

It is easy to illustrate the operation of this technique: “diseases are easier to fight from the outside than from the inside.”

When properly applied to the skin, cold water is like a wake-up call for all the functions of our body:

  • helps to reduce fever and inflammation of various organs,
  • promotes the removal of impurities and toxins accumulating in the blood
  • it removes from our body everything that is bad and that can lead to disease.
  • Cold water also constricts the blood vessels, making them more flexible.

How to immerse your body in cold water?

Do not immediately immerse your body in cold water, it is better to do it gradually, slowly. An instant splash into the icy water can have health hazards – it can cause pneumonia or heart disease.

It is recommended to immerse the feet first, then the legs, and so slowly down to the neck. Don’t bury your head! In a similar way, you should take a dip when going to the seaside or spending a vacation in the swimming pool.

Mother with baby in the pool

Remember that the colder the water, the more energy our body needs to return to normal temperature. We encourage you to take an ice bath today. Boost your immune system and start enjoying your health to its fullest!

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