Recycle Old Furniture – Bring Them Back To Life

Remake your furniture and home with these practical and simple ideas to make them personal and original. It will be a fun and relaxing activity for you!
Recycle old furniture - bring it back to life

If you are thinking of moving to another place but don’t want to throw away or give away your old furniture, you can bring it back to life by painting it with paint or varnish. Recycling old furniture is a great idea – your favorite items may be given another ‘chance’. You just need to know effective and original ways to give it to them!

When it comes to recycling and refurbishing furniture, there are many great options for you to create something eye-catching for yourself or give as a gift. If you’re thinking of remaking your old furniture, check out our ideas to find some inspiration.

Old furniture recycling ideas

There are many things that can be done with old furniture if you have a little bit of taste, patience and technique. What’s more, bringing your favorite items back to life will make you feel better. In addition to creating something new that will give your apartment character, personality and  warmth, you will feel as if you have achieved something!

recycling of old furniture

Let’s take a look at a few possibilities


Did you know you can turn your old chairs into flower pots?

You can also replace the drawers of a given piece of furniture and turn them into a modern and original item. Maybe paint each drawer a different color? To renew your old chest of drawers, you can remove the drawers and use the free space to store valuables in wicker baskets.


Here are some ideas for decorating your furniture:

  • Cover the low table with padded materials. This way you can use it as a footrest.
  • Decorate the furniture with wallpaper.
  • Polish old furniture to restore its shine.
  • Sand some parts of your furniture for a vintage touch.

Show your art

You can also carve in your antique furniture. However, to get down to it, remember that you need to use the right tools for it and the furniture must be of high quality (otherwise it might look a bit sloppy).


You can go a step further and paint your furniture to turn it into works of art. Paint your antique furniture by creating geometric shapes or patterns that you can copy using stencils. Repaint the chair legs for a modern look – or use strong and bold colors on furniture to make them the center of attention.

You can also use paint that produces a blackboard effect. If you have children, they will be able to draw on them, which will help them develop their creativity. After painting, remember to varnish and stain the furniture so that the paint lasts longer.

how to remake old furniture

The recycling of old furniture can take many forms. Get carried away by your imagination!

Here are some ideas that can change the look of your furniture. Thanks to them, you will renew your items, instead of getting rid of them and wasting money on new ones. However, remember to learn about the latest and greatest techniques to make your furniture look truly amazing.

If you feel it is necessary, ask someone for help. Also, remember that recycling old furniture can become fun for the whole family. Who knows, it might even turn into a business?

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