How To Nourish And Regenerate Hand Skin Only With Natural Products?

Aloe and Rosehip are known for their moisturizing properties; they also support the process of cell regeneration. The combination of these two ingredients will have a great effect on the skin of your hands.
Hand skin - Home methods of moisturizing

The skin of the  hands is exposed to many different factors every day; it is by the hands that it is easiest to determine the age or profession of a given person. Just like the  skin of the  Face, our hands need special treatment and the use of ingredients that will best affect the regeneration of cells.

If dry and rough hands are a problem that also applies to you, be sure to read our today’s article and take advantage of natural products that will help nourish and regenerate your skin. By using them regularly, you will certainly enjoy the amazing effects.

Dry skin? Try olive oil

Why is olive oil your greatest ally in the fight against dry and rough skin on your hands? This is due to its high content of antioxidants and healthy fatty acids, substances that support cell regeneration and stop the aging process of the skin.

olive oil

How to use olive oil?

  • Warm a little olive oil in your hands and rub it on your skin for 5-10 minutes. Repeat this treatment twice a day.
  • You can also prepare a natural scrub with olive oil and sugar. It will help you remove dead skin cells and make the skin of your hands smooth.

Oatmeal for rough hands

Oatmeal is a product that will work perfectly as a cleansing and exfoliating agent. Thanks to them, you will get rid of dead skin and other impurities that have accumulated on your hands. What’s more, oats will provide your skin with excellent hydration, thus avoiding the problem of dryness.

How to use oats?

  • Make a thick paste of ground oatmeal and honey (a tablespoon of each is enough).
  • Rub the prepared mixture into the skin of your hands, leave it for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Coconut oil

Fatty acids present in coconut oil will help perfectly moisturize the skin of the hands and protect it from the negative effects of UV rays.

Coconut oil and hand skin

How To Use Coconut Oil?

  • Just before going to bed, apply coconut oil to your hands and massage it into your skin. Be sure to choose extra virgin oil that will provide you with a whole range of nutrients and properties.
  • For a better effect, wear cotton gloves at night so that the oil is absorbed better.

Aloe and rosehip

Aloe vera is valued and widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, as it boasts moisturizing and antioxidant properties. It perfectly stimulates the process of cell regeneration, and also stops the harmful effects of free radicals.

For a better effect, it is worth combining its action with the properties of wild rose, especially if your skin is very dry and often cracks.

How to use the properties of these products?

  • Mix one aloe vera gel with a few drops of rosehip oil.
  • Massage the prepared mixture into the skin of your hands and leave it for a few minutes for the ingredients to be absorbed.

Honey and oranges

This combination is a guarantee of perfect hydration and regeneration of your skin. The antioxidants contained in oranges combined with the moisturizing properties of honey will make your hands smooth and recover faster.

Honey and lemon, and the skin of the hands

What should be done

  • Make a mixture of a tablespoon of honey and the juice of one orange.
  • Massage the resulting balm into the skin of your hands and wait about 15 minutes for the ingredients to be absorbed.

Natural yogurt

How to use the properties of natural yoghurt?

  • Put a tablespoon of yogurt on your hands and massage gently for 5 minutes.
  • If you want to take advantage of the exfoliating effect of yogurt, mix two tablespoons of this product with a bit of chickpea flour and then rub vigorously into your hands. Repeat this treatment twice a week.

Ripe bananas

A ripe banana is another natural source of nourishing, moisturizing and regenerating substances. They will perfectly affect the condition and appearance of your hands.

  • Mash the banana until smooth. Apply it on your hands and wait for about half an hour.
  • You can also add olive oil and honey for a 10-20 minute massage.
  • Whichever method you choose, rinse off the product with warm water and then apply a moisturizer.

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