Fluid Retention – 7 Days Diet

It’s a good idea to follow this diet before summer or whenever you experience greater fluid retention. You can also practice these few healthy habits to prevent it from coming back.
Fluid retention - 7-day diet

Fluid retention causes many people to gain weight, which can cause swelling and discomfort in some parts of the body. The good news is that you can eliminate excess fluid by eating the right foods.

In today’s article, we want to share with you a seven-day diet that will reduce fluid retention in your body. Thanks to this, you will get rid of the puffiness, feeling lighter and more energetic.

What is fluid retention?

swollen legs

Fluid retention, or swelling, can be a chronic problem, or just a temporary widening of the veins due to excessive heat.

If it is chronic, it may be related to the circulatory system, heart, liver or kidney problems, you must see your doctor for a quick diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

You can identify fluid retention by weight gain for no apparent reason related to swelling in certain parts of the body, such as the waist, legs, and ankles.

While it is not always associated with being overweight, obesity can also lead to increased fluid retention.

7-day diet

This seven-day diet is specifically designed to combat fluid retention. It will bring you relief after just one week of use. Of course, to achieve long-term effects, it is best to introduce some of its components into your daily diet.

Due to its cleansing properties that make your kidneys and liver work better, this diet is suitable for everyone. It is best to follow it before summer comes, or at any time when you feel you have more fluid in your body.

We recommend that you consult your doctor before starting treatment, especially if you are ill and are taking medication.

General tips

Here are some general tips that will play a pivotal role this week:

  • You must completely eliminate table salt and refined salt from your food. You can replace it with moderate amounts of sea salt , Himalayan salt or sea water.
  • Avoid eating foods that contain salt, such as crackers, bread, salted peanuts, etc.
  • You can improve the flavor of your food by using natural ingredients such as cayenne, curry, paprika, vinegar, lemon juice, basil, oregano, thyme, etc.
  • Avoid eating sugar or foods high in sugar as it can make you crave more for sweets and make it very difficult to stick to your diet.

In the morning

celery juice

You start your day by drinking two cups of warm or hot water with the juice of half a lemon. Thanks to this, you will wake up faster and your body will start to function at full capacity.

Twenty minutes later, you’re making a cocktail.


  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 pear
  • 1 slice of fresh pineapple
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 pinch of fresh or ground ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil (15 g)
  • 1 cup of oat milk (200 ml)


  • Mix everything in a blender and drain slowly

* If you are still hungry in the morning you can eat wholemeal avocado toast with a cup of green tea.

At noon

For lunch, you can choose from the following options:

First dish

  • Gazpacho, or homemade vegetable juice
  • Vegetable cream or salad

Main course

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Vegetables
  • Egg

* All dishes can be served with brown rice as a side dish.


  • Apple sauce
  • Fresh pineapple
  • Gelatin Agar Agar


horsetail tea

For afternoon tea, you should always drink horsetail tea, which has diuretic properties and contains a lot of mineral salts.

If you are still hungry, you can eat yogurt with nuts or fruit.


For dinner, you shouldn’t overeat. Try to eat your last meal as early as possible.

First dish

  • Gazpacho, or homemade vegetable juice
  • Soup
  • Cream of vegetables
  • salad

Main course

  • Fish
  • An avocado
  • Low sodium cheese

All dishes can be served with a little bread or brown rice.


  • Apple
  • pear
  • A handful of nuts

If this diet is good for you, you can continue with these good eating habits after a week to prevent fluid retention in your body.

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