Red Borscht, Or How To Make Beetroot Soup?

Red borscht is characterized by the presence of nitrates in its composition. These compounds generate vasodilation, which is beneficial in many cases. Discover the tasty recipe with this vegetable.
Red borscht, or how to make beetroot soup?

Red borscht is an excellent dish to take care of the cardiovascular system. We want to introduce you to a recipe that masks the slightly distinct taste of this vegetable. We have to tell the truth that it does not suit everyone. However, thanks to this recipe, you can enjoy a dish that will convince the whole family.

Keep in mind that the consumption of vegetables is highly recommended. These foods contain plant nutrients that assist the body in preventing the development of complex pathologies.

Of course, it is also necessary to ensure an adequate supply of macronutrients, especially protein. Let’s see what the red borscht offers us in this regard .

Ingredients for red borscht

Let’s start with the list of ingredients that are needed to prepare red borscht. You will need the following products:

  • 3 boiled beets.
  • 1 see
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic.
  • Bay leaf to taste.
  • Half a lemon juice.
  • Thyme.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Water.
The taste of beetroot does not suit everyone, so preparing it in a soup can help to include the vegetable in our diet.

Step by step red borscht

The option to buy boiled beets is the most convenient, as it saves one laborious step. However, if you only have access to raw beetroots, they will need to be cooked in advance.

To do this, pour water into a pot, preferably in a pressure cooker. Wash the beets well and put them in the pot when the water is hot. Then boil the vegetables under pressure for 20 minutes.

However, if you do not have this type of pan and only have a traditional saucepan at your disposal, it is possible that the cooking time will be extended to 45 minutes, always over medium heat.

Before we move on to the next stages of borscht preparation, it will be necessary to dry the beets with a kitchen paper towel. Then cut the beetroots into rather large pieces. It is also important to chop the leek very finely and crush the garlic cloves.

Simmer the leek in a pan in extra virgin olive oil for about 5 minutes. When the leek is slightly colored, add the garlic, making sure it does not burn. When the leek and garlic are browned, add the beetroot, 1 or 2 bay leaves and thyme to taste. Then pour everything over with water so that it covers the vegetables.

It is important to bring the soup to the boil and then cook it for about 5 more minutes. After this stage is complete, season the soup to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and remove the bay leaves.

Finally, the time has come for the simplest step. Pour the mixture into a blender container and blend everything until the red borscht is homogeneous. It can then be strained so that no beetroot pieces remain.

Finally, add lemon juice and mixed juice. Now the red borscht is ready to be served.


As mentioned above, beetroot is distinguished by its health properties. First, it is a vegetable with a high concentration of nitrates.

They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the cardiovascular system as they relax the vessels, thus reducing blood pressure. This is evidenced by a study published in  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

These nitrates are also useful in the context of exercise. Vasodilation generates an increase in the supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues, which translates into increased sports performance.

In fact, it is recommended to eat beetroot before exercising, according to an investigation published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 

Likewise, beetroots contain plant nutrients with antioxidant abilities. It turned out that these elements, among which the anthocyanins stand out , are able to neutralize the formation of free radicals, helping to prevent the development of chronic pathologies.

That is why it is recommended to eat beetroot regularly.

Beet slices
The anthocyanins in beets are antioxidants that block the free radicals involved in premature aging.

Red borscht: a recipe for health

Red borscht in the form of beetroot cream has beneficial properties for health. Sedentary people, people and athletes alike can benefit from the vasodilator effects this recipe offers.

However, you must exercise some caution with vegetables with a high concentration of nitrates if you are undergoing pharmacological treatment for cardiovascular disease. In this case, it is a good idea to consult a doctor.

Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended to eat beetroot. It is a vegetable that has many antioxidants. These elements are the key to preventing the development of chronic pathologies. They also have positive effects when it comes to slowing down the signs of aging.

The recipe for red borscht, which we have presented here, masks some flavors of this vegetable that do not suit everyone. This soup can make the whole family love the beetroot.

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