Oats – Nutritional And Health Properties

Oats are not only grains from which you can make delicious porridge, they are also a source of many nutritional values.
Oats - nutritional and health properties

Few cereals can boast as many properties as oats. Due to its high content of vitamins, minerals and fiber, it is one of the most consumed foods. It also helps with weight loss and is a great ally for the liver. Oats are rich in silicon which renews the connective tissues of the brain. In addition, it provides a lot of energy, and thanks to the high content of vitamin B1, it improves memory.

The amazing health benefits of oats

Oats have been eaten for centuries. Its nutritional and energetic properties make it the basis of nutrition for many peoples and civilizations.

1. Oats – nutritional values

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A treasury of vitamins

Oats are a natural treasury of vitamin E and all useful B vitamins, especially vitamins B1, B5 and B6.

Source of minerals

It mainly contains minerals necessary for the body, such as magnesium, calcium and zinc.

The wealth of complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates necessary for a healthy and healthy lifestyle can be found in oats. It is also worth noting that the carbohydrates contained in it are absorbed very slowly. This means that it is easily digestible and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. This is why it is so often eaten in weight loss diets.

2. Oats – other properties

oats have many health benefits

Provides a feeling of fullness for longer

Eating oats helps you lose weight in a healthy and natural way. This is because it contains a very large amount of slowly digestible complex carbohydrates. In practice, this means that the feeling of fullness after eating oats lasts longer than with other foods. This allows you to forget about snacking between meals. Besides, oats control blood sugar levels.

It has a positive effect on the work of the brain

Oats are one of the foods most rich in silicon – a miraculous element that not only cares for the connective tissues of the brain, but also renews them. The carbohydrates contained in it provide energy, and vitamin B1 helps to improve memory. And that’s not all, because oats also contain phosphorus, the basic element in the formation of the brain and nervous system in youth. For this reason, its consumption is also recommended for children. Maybe you should add it to your breakfast?

Suitable for diabetics

As we mentioned before, oats controls blood sugar levels, making it one of the most recommended grains for diabetics.

It prevents and helps with constipation

Oats are really a great remedy for this ailment. Due to the high content of soluble fiber, it improves metabolism and helps with constipation. Do not hesitate, start your day with a cup of oatmeal and you will feel better immediately.

It controls blood cholesterol levels

Are you wondering how it does it? All thanks to the content of basic amino acids, in particular methionine, which lowers the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, oats, thanks to the content of fiber and omega-6 unsaturated fats, allows you to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and at the same time raise good cholesterol (HDL).

Oatmeal to improve health

Cares for the liver

This is because it contains the right amount of amino acids that stimulate the liver and contribute to the production of more lecithin, cleansing the body’s complex products.

It prevents cancer

Although it cannot prevent the onset of this disease in 100%, it is able to regulate hormone levels and protect against breast cancer thanks to phytoestrogens.

Cares for the circulatory system

In particular, thanks to the aforementioned properties of lowering bad cholesterol, oats contribute to maintaining our heart, circulation and arteries in the best possible condition.

It prevents hypothyroidism

This is because it contains iodine – a mineral responsible for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Takes care of the bones 

Oats provide a significant amount of calcium, which allows you to keep the right amount of this element in the body to prevent it 

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