Perfect Buttocks – The Best Exercises

Each of us dreams of firm and shapely buttocks, but it is impossible to achieve this goal without regular exercise for this part of our body.
Perfect buttocks - the best exercises

The buttocks  are a part of our body that we need to pay special attention to if we want it to look really good. In order for them to be firm and shapely, appropriate exercises to strengthen and model these muscles should be performed with due diligence and regularity.

Do you dream about  buttocks that many a model or actress would envy you? You have a good chance of doing so if you read this article to the end and try out some of the toning and strengthening exercises described below. To work!

How to fight for perfect buttocks?

Already after the first month of regular exercise of increasing intensity, combined with a healthy diet, you will see the first results. Below you will find a list of a few exercises that will make your buttocks firm and shapely. Good luck!


The basic exercise that will help you develop the perfect buttocks is the popular squat. Of course, you can do many different combinations related to this simple exercise, but it’s best to start with the basic variant.

  • Place your feet hip-width apart, then bend your legs at the knees while lowering your buttocks. Remember to keep your back straight.
  • To help balance yourself, stretch your arms out in front of you or to the sides.
  • Do 10 repetitions. After the first week, increase the number of repetitions to 20, and after a month of exercise, start using weights.


Swings are another great exercise to strengthen your buttocks, thighs and legs. Kneel on the floor and rest your weight on your hands. Keep your back straight, look straight ahead.

Exercises for the buttocks
  • Raise your right leg as if you want to kick the ceiling. The sole of the foot should be parallel to the ground.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Attention! Don’t put your knee on the ground.
  • Do 10 repetitions without lowering your knee to the floor. Change the leg later.
  • In the second week of exercise, increase the number of repetitions to 20. After a month, you can add a weight that you place under your knee.

Another version of this exercise is standing. Hold onto a wall, chair, or table. In a standing position, raise your leg and hold for a few seconds. While lowering your leg, do not forget to tense your gluteal muscles.

After 10 repetitions, change the leg. After a month, you should do 40 repetitions on each side.

Lunges forward

The next group of exercises is lunge. In this case, it is very important to keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Also, make sure your knee does not stick out beyond the toes. Here’s how to do this simple exercise:

  • In a standing position, keep your feet together. Lunge forward with your right foot. Bend your knee and lower your torso. Hold for a few seconds, return to the starting position.
  • Change leg and repeat. Do 20 repetitions (10 per side).
  • Over time, increase the number of repetitions to 40 (20 per side), then add weights.


The sternum or hip lifting is an excellent exercise not only for the buttocks, but also for the abdominal muscles and thighs. Here’s how to do this exercise correctly to make it as effective as possible:

Raising the hips
  • Lie on your back on the mat or the floor.
  • Place your feet and hands flat on the floor.
  • Raise your pelvis as high as you can. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the lying position.
  • Start with series of 15 repetitions. Over time, increase the number of repetitions to 25.
  • In the third week of exercise, you can start using weights at the waist.

A playwright

Start by standing upright. Straighten up, tense your abs and push your hips slightly backwards.

  • Lunge with your right leg and cross it behind your left leg.
  • Then lunge with your left leg and cross it with your right leg.
  • Once you have mastered these movements, you can complete the exercise with jumping jumps.
  • Do 20 repetitions.


The exercises with the telling name “Rompers” do not need to be introduced to anyone. This is a very simple exercise, known to us from an early age and physical education classes at school.

Exercise in the air
  • Take a standing position. The hands should be close along the body.
  • Jump up at the same time spreading your arms and legs so that you stand in your legs and clap your hands above your head.
  • Return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions.

Remember that you don’t have to jump too high for this exercise. Over time, increase the number of repetitions and the pace of your exercises.

Lunging sideways

To do this exercise properly, you will need a little practice and the ability to maintain your balance. A few repetitions are enough and you will surely be able to do them correctly.

  • Stand up straight and bring your feet together.
  • Lunge with your right foot to the side. Push your hip to the same side and bend your knee. Your left leg should straighten out.
  • Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side as well.

Mountain climbers

The name of the exercise in English means a person climbing a mountain and this is what this exercise is about. Imagine that you are climbing a mountain even though you will be doing the exercise in a horizontal position, parallel to the floor.

  • Rest your body in your hands and straighten your legs backwards as if you were about to do push-ups.
  • Bring your right knee to your body while extending your left leg. As you straighten your right leg, bring your left knee towards you.
  • It is a dynamic exercise performed in constant motion. Follow them carefully, but don’t pause and don’t take breaks between changing sides.

Standing on tiptoe

It is an excellent exercise for strengthening the entire legs, but especially the calves and buttocks.

  • Stand up straight, let your arms loose along your body or place them on your hips.
  • Get on your toes slowly. Hold for a few seconds and then lower your heels.
  • Repeat at least 20 times.
  • If you have trouble keeping your balance, you can use a chair or lean against a wall.

By performing the exercises described above, you will definitely deal with the lack of firmness and get perfect shapely buttocks. Good luck!

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