How Is The Eye Cleaned?

A new discovery in the field of ophthalmology concerns how the eye is cleaned. It’s a system similar to what the brain uses to eliminate toxic substances.
How is the eye cleansed?

Through experiments on rats, scientists have determined how the eye is cleaned using a toxin elimination system. This discovery leads to the conclusion that  the cleansing mechanism is similar to that found in the brain.

Not only the eye cleanses itself – other organs also eliminate toxins and protect themselves. The case of the brain is one of the most analyzed, because research on it has raised hope for the development of a method of preventing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

In a new scientific article on the eye published in  Science Translational Medicine, the  authors explain how the eye cleans itself, which is a step forward in cataract research. We remind you that this disease can lead to blindness.

How the eye is cleansed: the latest findings

The study we mentioned was carried out on rats because of the similarities in the structure of the human eye and the eyes of these animals. A substance was instilled into them and they watched as the eye got rid of it.

Thus  , an alternative purification route was discovered . It was known that the eye, like many organs, uses the lymphatic system to get rid of toxins. However, it turned out that there was another mechanism as well.

Scientists observed that the amyloid-containing substance left the eyeball through the internal AQP4 channel (aquaporin-4). The same channel was discovered earlier in brain research.

In addition to observing the self-cleaning mechanism of the eye,  various scenarios were tested  to see whether the process was intensifying or slowing down. The effect of light exposure and atropine instillation was checked.

Finally, healthy eyeballs were compared with those of rats suffering from cataracts. It turned out that  in rats with cataracts there were changes in the eye self-cleaning mechanism. 

A cataract is an eye disease that is not easy to spot early enough.

What is cataract?

Cataract is a disease  associated with too high intraocular pressure. This pressure is measurable and the result is the pressure exerted by the aqueous humor on the eyeball.

Typically, the aqueous humor inside the eye is removed from the system by the cleansing mechanism. This process ensures the removal of toxins that could damage the eye.

When for some reason the aqueous humor is not properly removed, it collects  and causes an increase in intraocular pressure. The same thing happens when the body produces too much liquid.

A person with a cataract will experience a gradual deterioration in their eyesight. The ophthalmologist then measures the intraocular pressure and makes a diagnosis. Then treatment is started.

Thanks to this study, we found out how the eye is cleansed and we may  be able to prevent cataracts. The early detection of problems with the outflow of the aqueous humor would allow the circulation to be restored to normal.

How is the brain cleansed?

There are different ways to treat cataracts.

This cutting-edge discovery is linked to a brain cleansing mechanism discovered by scientists years ago. This process takes place within the glymphatic system, which  functions like the lymphatic system except that it is made up of glial cells in the nervous system.

The lymphatic system cleans the organs, including the brain and eyes, but removes toxins slowly. The glymphatic system works faster and is more specialized.

The brain and eye are believed to benefit from the glymphatic system because they are metabolized at an increased rate. The cells therefore work quickly and produce substances that should not accumulate.

In the case of the brain, regulation occurs with the heart rhythm, similar to sleep. At night, certain tissue movements and contractions remove toxins.

How the eye is cleansed – summary

Scientists linked their discovery to cataracts. However, further work is needed on this topic. The discovery, however, is promising.

Early detection of problems with the glymphatic system would enable early treatment of cataracts. This would help many people who see their doctor too late with this disease.

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