Dehydration Diet: What To Consider?

It has been proven long ago that our body needs to receive enough fluid every day to stay active and avoid the risk of dehydration. So what foods should you eat? Find out in our today’s article on the Dehydration Diet.
Dehydration Diet: What To Consider?

Dehydration occurs when the body does not receive enough water to perform its functions properly. To prevent this problem (which can also have health implications in the medium and long term), a special dehydration diet can be used .

Each person must drink a certain amount of water (depending on age, weight and gender) throughout the day. However, this intake should not only come from the glasses of water you drink, but also from standard foods.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 20% of our daily water needs must come from fruit and vegetables.

Some people need to pay more attention to ways to prevent dehydration because they are more likely to get dehydration if they do not take appropriate measures. This is because, for one reason or another, their bodies expel more fluids. For example, through increased sweating, frequent urination, and so on.

They are most exposed to dehydration, among others:

Drinking water
  • Children
  • Athletes
  • Pregnant women
  • Patients with chronic diseases
  • Elderly people

Such people should monitor their water intake even more, as well as their fluid-rich food intake. But in addition to increasing your water intake, you can also eat foods that contain a lot of water.

It has been proven long ago that our body needs to receive enough fluid every day to stay active and avoid the risk of dehydration. So what foods should you eat? Find out in our today’s article on the Dehydration Diet.

Dehydration diet: foods you should eat

The food we eat constitutes about 30% of the fluid our body receives. The remaining 70% is considered to be the result of the drinks we drink. In order to have a fully balanced diet, you should know those solid foods that contain the most water. These include, among others:


Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that are important to our health. Some of them provide more water than others. For example, lettuce is one of the most beneficial foods in our diet to help prevent dehydration.

95% of the composition of this vegetable is water, and its freshness and crunchiness make it the best ally of summer salads.

Other vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, and carrots, also contain a lot of water. It is best to steam them so that they do not lose their properties. You can find many very healthy and tasty recipes based on these ingredients. Thanks to them, your dehydration diet does not have to be boring and tasteless!


Like vegetables, fruits also contain a lot of water. Watermelon, citrus, and other seasonal fruits are excellent water sources. In addition to their nutritional benefits, they help regulate blood pressure.

These characteristics make virtually any effective dehydration diet reliant on them. They can be eaten as desserts, snacks or juices.

Fruit in a bowl

Some people feel more comfortable drinking fruit juices. Among other things, also because they got used to it from an early age. There are also many different alternatives and recipes, so you can make some really delicious juices based on that too.

Other water-based food products

Sauces and soups are other ways your body can get plenty of fluid. The same goes for ice cream, smoothies, smoothies, etc. It is important to follow a diet with a variety of options so that you do not get bored and at the same time ensure a good balance of nutrients.

Pasta and whole grains

Rice absorbs a lot of water when cooked, which can be beneficial for the body. It is estimated that most pastas contain up to 70% of liquids. Their advantage is that you can eat them hot or cold as you like.

Tips to help prevent dehydration

Another way to increase your water consumption is to drink infusions or filling drinks. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, it doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need fluid. Therefore, you should always have a bottle of water on hand so that you can drink some water every now and then during the day.

If you’re not used to it, a good way to drink more water is to choose infusions, teas or other drinks that you like. This will allow you to get used to including fluid drinking in your daily routine.

Dehydration diet - infusions are its important element

You don’t need to drink only water, of course. In fact, experts have proven that people drink more fluids when they choose the drinks they like. Sweet and caffeinated beverages are good choices for your dehydration diet. Although, of course, they are not always indicated due to the general state of health.

Experts recommend that adults drink about two liters of water a day to avoid dehydration.

What are the most common symptoms of dehydration?

  • Desire
  • Tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Dry eyes
  • Headaches
  • Muscle cramps
  • In addition, changes in the color of the urine

In conclusion, to avoid dehydration, you need to have good lifestyle habits, whatever the season. However, during the hottest times of the year, it’s true that you need to pay more attention to the amount of water you drink.

As in all cases, prevention is always the best way to avoid negative health effects.

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