Tomatoes – Do You Know Why You Should Eat Them Every Day?

Did you know that cooked tomatoes have more properties than raw ones? Add a little olive oil to them and you get a great, healthy combination.
Tomatoes - do you know why you should eat them every day?

It is known that gastronomy and  tomatoes go hand in hand. They are the ingredient that gives our food flavor and color. What would we do without them?

We eat them raw, fried, in various sauces, in salads and juices. We love them and are always present in our fridge.

However, in some people, tomatoes can cause acidity and heartburn. However, this happens very rarely.

Today you will learn what tomatoes can do for your body.

1. Tomatoes help prevent heart disease

Tomatoes are part of any healthy diet. The first thing we pay attention to is their color: intense red.

As with fruit, the darker the shade, the greater the amount of antioxidants. When it comes to tomatoes, one of its most important ingredients is lycopene, which keeps our heart healthy.

  • Lycopene belongs to the group of carotenes and belongs to the family of natural pigments.
  • In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant that can protect our cells against free radicals.
  • It releases electrons in the blood that go to free radicals, preventing them from damaging cells.

You should know that the properties of lycopene increase if the tomatoes are cooked and you add a little olive oil to them. Don’t hesitate: prepare a delicious tomato sauce today.


2. They regulate blood pressure

If you have found out from your doctor that your blood pressure is too high and you should take care of your diet, be sure to start eating tomatoes.

Salads, natural juices, light sauces with no salt added … These are just a few ideas.

Greek salad
  • The lycopene we mentioned earlier, along with potassium, will help you improve blood circulation and reduce fluid retention in your body. All of this affects your blood pressure.

3. They protect us against cancer

It is known that they will not reduce the likelihood of developing cancer to zero, but they will definitely help you protect cells and tissues from the influence of free radicals.

In addition, a healthy diet always acts as a protective shield. Remember that!

4. Eliminate toxins from the body

How about a breakfast of wholemeal bread, tomatoes, a cup of white tea, and an apple? This is an extremely healthy and filling option. It will also help you eliminate toxins and other dangerous compounds.

Foods rich in antioxidants work like a “broom” that gets rid of what our body does not need.

Lemon is the best way to cleanse the body. It is followed by cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant and artichokes.

5. Tomatoes are perfect for diabetics

You probably didn’t know that, but regular consumption of tomatoes is recommended especially for diabetics. They also have a very low glycemic index and provide many nutrients. Belong to them:

  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Fiber
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamins A, C, E …

Watermelon, tomatoes and mint – a recipe for delicious juice

This juice is the perfect way to start your day. In addition, it will help you, above all, to cleanse and hydrate your body.

Watermelon juice

We recommend it especially in high season. It’s delicious!

Ingredients for watermelon and tomato juice

  • 300 g of watermelon
  • 2 medium tomatoes (ripe)
  • 150 ml of water
  • 3 mint leaves
  • 2 ice cubes


  • Blender
  • Mortar
  • Knife
  • Glass


  • First, let’s take care of the watermelon. We need to get 300 g of pulp. Remember to get rid of the seeds.
  • Then we wash the tomatoes and cut them in half.
  • In a mortar, crush the mint leaves. In this way, we will release essential oils.
  • Next step? We combine all the ingredients with a blender. We start with the tomatoes (along with the skin), add the watermelon. Once you have a thick paste, add water and mint leaves.
  • After a while, we will get a uniform juice. Then pour it into a glass, add two ice cubes and it’s ready. Enjoy your meal!

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