Fatty Liver Versus Healthy Breakfast

If you suffer from fatty liver, do not miss these three infusions, which, when taken on an empty stomach, will cleanse, strengthen and protect your liver.
Fatty liver versus healthy breakfast

Fatty liver disease is one of the most common liver diseases diagnosed recently in our population. If you or someone close to you suffer from it, you already know that it is associated with a change in lifestyle. It is especially important here to take care of a proper, healthy diet.

With a little bit of consistency and the introduction of specific substances and nutrients, it is possible to alleviate inflammation and reduce the level of fat in the liver.

When our health is at stake, the effort is definitely worthwhile. We should introduce changes, starting from breakfast. So today you will learn a few tips and ways to prepare them to help with  fatty liver .

Fatty liver – why is breakfast important?

fatty liver fatty liver disease is a disease in which the fatty acids and triglycerides that accumulate in the liver change the function of the cells, while causing inflammation.

Fatty liver

Even if the disease stage is mild, it should not be taken lightly. From the very beginning, you need to be treated properly in order to stop or reverse the disease process. Otherwise, the consequences could be very serious.

One way is with your diet, but not only that! First of all, you should be aware that the entire lifestyle must often be modified. Breakfast also deserves special attention – we’ll explain why in a moment.

Breakfast and its three functions:

  • cleansing – the first task to be performed is to cleanse the liver of all toxins, lipids and fatty acids that disrupt the proper functions of liver cells and cause its inflammation
  • strengthening – one of the amazing properties of the liver is its ability to regenerate. It is capable of creating new, healthy and strong cells, provided we make it easy for it.
  • Do you know how to help your liver? Providing it with antioxidants, adequate amounts of protein and minerals that will enable the synthesis of enzymes that are involved in cell regeneration
  • protection – the  liver is one of the most important organs of our body. At the same time, it is one of the most delicate and sensitive to any irregularities and unhealthy eating habits.
  • Fat, toxic products, drugs, tobacco, alcohol can eventually make you sick. However, with proper nutrition, it is possible to reverse the effects of fatty liver

Fatty liver and cleansing infusions for breakfast

fatty liver is a disease that can be treated by modifying your diet and lifestyle.

Artichokes for fatty liver

Looking at your current diet and habits, you will find out for yourself that they were not healthy. Now, in order to feel better, you will need to make changes, some of which will be drastic.

To achieve this, the first step is to start the day with infusions that perfectly cleanse, protect and strengthen the liver. It’s always best to take them on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up .

Below you will find three suggestions for infusions that you can prepare according to your taste preferences.

1. Cleansing and protecting artichoke infusion


  • 2 artichokes
  • liter of water
  • the juice of one lemon

A method of preparing:

  • the first step is to put the cooking water in it and then put two artichokes in it. They should be boiled until they become soft. When finished, separate the water, which is an amazing healing lotion for fatty liver,
  • Pour the water into a bottle and then add lemon juice. The prepared mixture should be drunk throughout the week. Remember to take your drink as soon as you wake up on an empty stomach!

2. Cleansing and protecting dandelion infusion


  • 20g of dry dandelion
  • 1 cup of water (200ml)
  • 20g lemon zest

A method of preparing:

  • first boil the water, then add the dandelion and lemon zest. Boil it for about 15 minutes, then let it cool for about 10 minutes. Strain the preparation and drink it hot

3. Cleansing and protecting milk thistle infusion


  • 20g milk thistle ready to brew (you can find it in health food stores and pharmacies)
  • 1 cup of water (200ml)

A method of preparing:

  • not only simple, but also very quick to prepare. As soon as the water boils, add a bag of milk thistle to it. Allow a few minutes to cool, strain and drink the liquid on an empty stomach

Fatty liver and breakfast foods

1. Best fiber for fatty liver:

  • a bowl of oatmeal
  • a slice of rye bread with olive oil
  • natural corn flakes without sugar
Chia seeds, cocktail

2. Omega-3 fatty acids as liver protection:

  • egg yolk
  • linseed oil (linseed)
  • Linseed
  • chia seeds
  • sage seeds
  • walnuts and hazelnuts

3. Fruits that will help cleanse and strengthen the liver:

  • oranges
  • lemons
  • pears
  • kiwi
  • pineapple

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