Ingrown Hair? – There Are Ways

Learn how to prevent ingrown hair, and learn about the best treatments for the inflammation it causes.
Ingrown hair?  - There are ways

Ingrown hair can become a real problem for every woman. Apart from being very painful, they are also unsightly. In most cases, they appear after waxing or with a razor. They show up as small, pimple-like skin lesions – these are the hairs that have failed to penetrate the skin and have grown beneath it.

Explore ways to ingrown hairs, how to prevent them and find out what are the best methods of treatment not caused by inflammation.

Ingrown hair – prevention and treatment

According to others, the same thing also happens when you shave with a shaver. Although the hair is not removed with the root, it does tend to grow into the skin anyway.

  • Properly care for your skin. When the hair follicles are blocked with tallow, dead skin, dirt and bacteria, for example, hair growth is greatly impeded. To avoid this, peel regularly once a week. In addition, daily cleanse and moisturize your skin with non-comedogenic products – ingrown hair won’t stand a chance.
In the shower
  • Learn how to shave your hair properly. If you are a supporter of this method of removing unnecessary body hair, always remember the following steps: soften the skin with water and neutral soap or shaving foam (it may be the same as men use), never move the shaver in the opposite direction to ingrown hair. Apply gentle pressure while guiding the razor over the skin and replace the razor with a new one each time.
  • Don’t wear tight-fitting clothes as they make the skin tense and unable to breathe. This can cause hair to grow into the skin. Above all, avoid close-fitting clothing immediately after epilating or shaving. In addition, always choose cotton clothes, try to avoid synthetic and other materials that do not allow the skin to breathe freely.
  • Pay attention to decontamination after epilation. Use natural antiseptics such as tea tree oil to prevent infections. You can also use it a few hours before epilation – there is a chance that the ingrown hairs will not appear on your legs.

What else can you do?

  • Use warm water or steam to widen your pores. Wrap your legs with a towel soaked in hot water is also a great option. This will make the skin fluff and it will be easier to remove hairs.
  • If you are waxing yourself, try to avoid using the same wax over and over again. In beauty salons, yes, the practice is to use the same wax over and over again for several days or even weeks. Of course, this is not a recommendable method! Remember that you should always change the wax with a new one.
Beautiful legs
  • Dip a cotton pad in the witch hazel infusion and put it on the skin where the ingrown hair has appeared. This home treatment is perfect for soothing irritated skin and helping to remove hair. What’s more, it eliminates redness and inflammation. It is a product that removes dead skin cells, moisturizes and unclogs pores. We recommend using it both before and after epilation.
  • Remove the surface of the ingrown hair with tweezers. Remember that the hair is “trapped” under the first layer of the dermis, so it can be easily removed by scraping the top layer of the epidermis. Carefully lift the hair up, but don’t pull it out as this will further irritate the skin and could infect it. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly (using a neutral pH soap) and wipe the tweezers with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to remove bacteria from them.

Don’t forget about prophylaxis

  • Learn to prevent ingrown hair in the summer and during sports. Sweat from training, chafing on the thighs or legs, certain fabrics and clothes, heat, etc. can cause ingrown hair. Therefore, in order to prevent irritation, it is recommended to use petroleum jelly, talcum powder or cornmeal. After training, take a shower and cleanse your body so that the hair follicles are clean again and can breathe freely.
    Smooth legs
  • Using aloe vera gel is an amazing natural remedy for ingrown hair. Apply a little aloe vera gel every evening on the skin where hair has been trapped and do not rinse. The best solution is to have your own aloe vera plant at home and extract the pulp yourself. If this is not possible, you can use creams and lotions with aloe vera available on the market. Unlike fresh gel, they take much longer to work. Before using them, however, make sure that they do not contain alcohol, which can cause irritation and act on the wound like fire. You can also choose essential oils such as chamomile or lavender. If necessary, dilute it with water as some of its ingredients can be very strong and can damage or burn your skin. If you want to achieve a better effect, you can mix several oils together.

Ingrown Hair – How To Remove It, Step By Step

  • Wash the skin with the ingrown hair underneath it with a natural pH soap, then rinse with cold or lukewarm water.
  • Exfoliate the epidermis of this area, preferably twice: in the morning and in the evening – this way the hair will come out to the surface of the skin. However, remember that the peeling should be gentle. Otherwise, it can irritate the skin and even lead to bleeding. All you need to do is remove dead skin, sebum and impurities.
  • Place a handkerchief moistened with hot water on the skin (be careful, however, not to burn yourself). After a few minutes, the morning will soften and it will be easier to remove the ingrown hair.
  • Use tweezers disinfected with alcohol or boiling water.
  • Go ahead and tighten the skin and pull the hair out firmly with the tweezers, grabbing it close to the root.
  • Finally, apply an antiseptic such as tea tree oil or aloe vera gel.
  • Repeat these steps every time ingrown hairs reappear.

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