Night Cream – Do It Yourself At Home! – Step To Health

Depending on your skin type, we can choose the appropriate recipe of a homemade night cream that best suits the needs of our skin. What’s more, correctly selected ingredients will comprehensively take care of the health and beauty of our skin.
Night cream - do it yourself at home!

The best night cream is the one that increases the presence of antioxidants in the skin cells. What’s more, it should perfectly moisturize and firm the epidermis and naturally fight acne, skin spots and other imperfections.

Although there is a whole range of expensive face creams available on the market (day, night, firming, anti-wrinkle, brightening …), we encourage you to prepare your own cream based on only natural ingredients.

The store shelves contain many chemicals that are harmful to health. A homemade night cream will not only keep your skin beautiful, it will also help you avoid unnecessary accumulation of toxins and other chemical substances in your body that, if used over a long period of time, can lead to permanent damage to your skin cells.

Meet today with us four fantastic recipes for a natural face cream for night use. Thanks to them, you will satisfy all the needs of your skin with a small financial outlay. Although at first many people find it difficult to convince themselves of them, it is worth breaking through because the results provided by natural ingredients are spectacular.

1. Night cream based on aloe, milk and olive oil

The first of the creams we propose has an extremely simple recipe and you can prepare it in a short time. It is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, which perfectly reduce unsightly dark circles under the eyes.

aloe night cream
  • Aloe vera gel is an excellent natural moisturizer that supplies water to the deepest layers of the epidermis. In addition, it has a delicate texture that leaves no greasy film on the skin.
  • The lactic acid contained in milk has strong exfoliating properties that effectively remove dead epidermal cells without causing any skin irritation.
  • Olive oil provides the skin cells with valuable fatty acids that deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, making it regain a healthy and radiant appearance.
Cream ingredients
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered milk (30 g)
How to prepare the cream and how to use it?
  • Thoroughly mix all the ingredients (aloe vera gel, powdered milk and olive oil) together to obtain a homogeneous, creamy consistency.
  • Then wash your face and neck with lukewarm water and a mild soap.
  • Apply the cream on the skin of the face with a gentle massage with circular movements of your fingertips. Keep doing it until the skin completely absorbs the cream (2-3 minutes).
  • Do not wash off your face, leave the cream on your skin all night long.
  • The next morning, wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water and a mild soap.

This cream can be stored for a longer period of time. So you can prepare larger amounts of it and close it in an airtight jar (glass or plastic).

2. Avocado cream and eggs

Perhaps the second proposition of night cream will not delight you at first. However, give it a chance and see that it will improve the condition of your skin as if by the touch of a magic wand.

Avocado night cream
  • Avocados are an authentic, natural bomb of healthy fatty acids that perfectly protect the skin against free radicals and other harmful factors.
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids help maintain the proper level of hydration in the upper layer of the epidermis, making it pleasantly soft to the touch and elastic.
  • In turn, polyunsaturated fatty acids protect skin cells against the harmful effects of sunlight, prevent allergic reactions and soothe skin inflammation.
  • Egg yolk is also a valuable source of fats and cholesterol, which fantastically improve the condition of dry, damaged and prematurely aged skin. In turn, the protein deeply moisturizes the skin and – thanks to its astringent properties – closes the pores, making the complexion look perfect.
Cream ingredients
  • Half of a ripe avocado
  • 1 raw egg
How to prepare the cream and how to use it?
  • Crush the avocado thoroughly to obtain a smooth, creamy paste.
  • Add the egg to the green paste and mix. You should get the consistency of a delicate cream. You can do it by hand or use a blender.
  • Apply the cream to the cleansed skin of the face and décolleté. During application, gently massage the skin with your fingertips.
  • Wait a moment for the skin to completely absorb the cream, then go to sleep.
  • The next morning, wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water and mild soap.
  • For best results, use the cream twice a week. After a short time, you will notice that the skin gains a youthful glow and the expression lines gradually disappear.

You can store this natural night cream in a clean container with a lid in a cool, dry place, preferably in the refrigerator.

3. Night cream based on orange and yoghurt

The third natural night cream has an exceptionally appetizing aroma and texture. It is intended mainly for mature women whose skin requires more intensive care. You must try it out!

Orange face cream for the night
  • Orange peel is a valuable source of vitamin A, potassium and antioxidants, which perfectly remove fatigue from the face, give skin cells a boost of energy and smooth out expression lines.
  • In turn, yogurt, lemon juice and turmeric show strong moisturizing and skin brightening properties, which fantastically complement the beautifying effect of orange peel.
Cream ingredients
  • Orange peel (grated on fine meshes from one orange)
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered turmeric (15 g)
  • ½ cup of natural yoghurt (100 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice (5 ml)
How to prepare the cream and how to use it?
  • Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly to obtain the consistency of a delicate cream.
  • Then cleanse the skin of the face and neck with lukewarm water and a neutral cleanser. Dry your skin thoroughly.
  • Apply a thin layer of cream to the skin of the face and neck. Leave to be absorbed for about 15 minutes. After that time, rinse off the cream-mask.
  • Apply this night cream every day before going to bed. After a short time, you will notice a huge improvement in the appearance of your complexion.

As one of the ingredients of the above cream is lemon juice, it is not recommended to leave the cream on the skin overnight.

If you want, you can remove lemon juice from the recipe and leave the cream on your face until the morning. This way you will avoid possible skin irritations.

4. Honey and coconut night cream

The following cream is perfect for the care of all skin types.

Preparing the cream
  • Honey has an amazing effect on the health and appearance of our skin. The ingredients it contains have strong antibacterial properties that prevent imperfections in a natural way. What’s more, this sweet treat is a real anti-aging bomb.
  • Coconut oil deeply moisturizes, makes the skin silky soft, protects skin cells against the harmful effects of free radicals and gives the cream an appetizing coconut aroma.
Cream ingredients
  • ½ cup of coconut oil (100 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)
How to prepare the cream and how to use it?
  • Put both ingredients in a bowl and mix them thoroughly.
  • Then heat the resulting mix in a microwave or in a pot, so that both ingredients combine well and create a uniform, liquid consistency.
  • Apply summer cream to the skin of your face. Do this with your fingertips while gently massaging in circular movements. Apply the cream to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  • Do not rinse. Leave the cream on your skin all night long. The next morning, wash your face and décolleté thoroughly with lukewarm water and neutral soap.

The cream can be stored for a long time in a plastic container with a screw cap. There is no need to heat the cream before each use, just warm your fingertips a little before applying it by rubbing them together. The ingredients of the cream are thoroughly combined with each other when they are heated for the first time.

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